Jumat, 24 Desember 2010


Andy Lau Leon Lai

In the past, the two big Pop Kings Andy Lau and Leon Lai would fight bitterly 'You Die, I Live' in the music scene. At the RTHK awards presentation held in HK Coliseum, Leon fans threw glow sticks at Andy when he was on stage. However, the night before, Andy held his concert in HK Coliseum and invited Leon to sing Star together. There were no 'boos' heard in the venue at all, jsut applause and whistles shook the whole HK Coliseum. The two did their embrace of the century on stage as well. When Andy sang the last line "Please remember me in your heart", Leon deeply answered: "I will", leading to the highest point of the concert.

The first 20 shows "ANDY LAU UNFORGETTABLE CONCERT 2010" kicked off the night before at HK Coliseum. Andy appeared in his classic styles over the 30 years he's been in the industry, among them were Lau Kin Ming from Infernal Affairs, Wah Dee from A Moment of Romance and there were also many other gentlemen appearances. Then he performed the Tic Tac dance that he's best at. Andy also played with fire, fireworks and lasers to accompany his dances. Throughout the entire night, Andy did not do any safety precautions, looks like audience were very frightened for him. Within HK Coliseum, there was an approximately 40 feet tall Andy Lau figure on the side of the stage.

Feeling very high, Andy had a full house at his concert. When he allowed fans to hug and shake his hand, fans entered the crazy mood screaming and shouting loudly, even Andy really had put in a lot of effort to make his speech, Andy laughed: "I just wanted to thank you all for letting me go through a 30 year Fairytale. It's that hard, I can't even speak? Audience were very obedient and controlled their emotions, then quiet down.

Andy continued: "But, afterall fairytale is just a fairytale, if one day I changed to a family man, you all will still love me like this? If one day you encounter me on the streets, hope you'll give me an excited embrace. However, if you happen to take photos of something that shouldn't be taken, please don't pull it online. Like if I'm eating fish balls, having a feast with two big thighs, etc!" Followed by his speech, Andy performed Mama I Love You with Deanie Ip, who he always viewed as a mother. Then Andy suddenly turned emotional, letting out a man's tear.

After Andy performed Star with his guest Leon Lai, he expressed he's very happy to see fans welcoming Leon. Appearing nervous, Leon laughed: "Hello everyone. Sometimes I know how to speak, sometimes I don't really know how to. First off, I am very happy that Andy invited me this evening to share his joy with me. Below the stage, I relied on headphones to listen, and this is luck that I normally don't enounter. The experience this time is very heartwarming, I am happy." Then Leon performed Forget Emotions for Andy fans to enjoy.

During the encore, Andy was dressed in a fresh yellow coloured suit with shades to do an MJ dance. Soon after, he revealed his 6 pack, giving a fest to fans' eyes. To end, Andy appeared in pajamas, and said: "I'm taking my 30 year most precious time and handing it over to you. Youthfulness, who accompanied you to grow? Senior, who help you teach your sons and daughters? I become old, you try leaving me, I take your life!"

Source: Mingpao
Translator: aZnangel@AEU

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