Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

S.H.E All Three are Crazy about Getting Married


It took a long time to schedule an interview with S.H.E. These three ladies were simply too popular right now. New songs, endorsements, commercial performances, their work was already scheduled all the way to the end of next year. Not long ago, they released their newest album [FM S.H.E]. This was the 11th album from S.H.E in the last 8 years. During the interview, each person was amazingly energetic even though the average age of the group was over 27 years old. There was not a single moment when they were not joking around noisily and their exuberance simply made one’s head spin. They said that S.H.E would not restrict themselves from flying solo however they would not disband. The greatest wish for each of them was to be married by the time they reached 30 years old.

The secret of “Keeping Fresh” was Freedom

A girl group in the Chinese music scene that was able to maintain its popularity for eight years. That in itself was already a legend in the making. And with their current level of popularity, their position was still as solid as ever. With regards to the secret of how S.H.E kept fresh, they who were both noisily boastful and at the same time a bit bewildered, all demonstrated the invincible “spirit of Ah-Q”.

Ella with her boyish personality expressed: [Actually speaking of keeping fresh, we did not pay any special thoughts of this matter. Because there is already three of us and our personalities are all very noisy very excitable. To us, no matter of what types of work, it is more like playing. When we sing, we are playing while we are singing. When we are performing or endorsing, we are so noisy that even our staff couldn’t stand it. Perhaps it is because we are always very happy so when people see us, they would be happy too.]

Hebe who was regarded as the “calm” one of the three, totally did not agree with what Ella said: [Hey, we are not comedians. We are popular is because we had never looked upon ourselves as celebrities. We are never pretentious. We just wanted to do our best to showcase ourselves.] And Selina who always pretended to be a lady beside them could not pretend any longer and exclaimed loudly: [You guys are so noisy. We are popular is because we are both talented and beautiful.]

When chatting with them, it took a long time to get to the main topics because it was hard to figure out which sentence out of them was serious. Interviewing them was happy but anxiety-ridden.

They, whose average age was 27 years old, were always so adorable, which unavoidably would make people feel that they were pretending to be youthful. They did not mind this type of thought at all. Selina shared: [We did not pretend to be adorable. Being adorable is not the direction that we are aiming for. Hey, we had always been constantly changing. Sometimes we are sexy and sometimes we are adorable. Our music also was never restricted to a particular style. We are very free, willing to attempt anything and also not afraid of failures. Fortunately, we have also been very lucky. The fans had always accepted our boldness. Our new song {Long Live Adorableness} is to promote to everyone to pretend to be adorable because pretending to be adorable is actually a very aerobic activity. Regardless of soul or body, one can be adorable forever.]

Encourages Flying Solo but Determined Not to Disband

As one of the most active groups in the Chinese music scene, S.H.E appeared in various territories within the entertainment circle. Most times the three of them were together like a set of triplets. However they were not restricted to only group activities like other groups. When they do things individually, each was just as fascinating. Particularly in hosting and in acting, all three had fairly good results. Therefore, the rumor of them disbanding also had never stopped.

When the reporters asked them if there was any possibility of them really disbanding, they laughed that the three of them was always in the situation of flying solo. Ella expressed: [We have already said that S.H.E has lots of freedom. We don’t want to give ourselves any type of restrictions or refuse any possibilities. All three of us had some work in dramas. Sometimes, we cannot ask the production company to include all three of us so when we each have our own work, we would become separate entities. I already flew solo when I acted in {The Rose}. Furthermore, we had always flown very hard and fast. Now Selina also has her own hosting jobs. Only Hebe remained loyal to music. She is in the midst of preparing for a new album of her own. However, flying solo does not represent that we are disbanding. There are some things that required S.H.E to be together. Our hearts are always together no matter what. We are happiest when the three of us are together. We have always advocated the model of flying solo without disbanding. This is one of our secrets of working in the entertainment circle.]

All Wanted to be Married by 30 Year Old

If one did not know that the age of all three was not young, it was hard to connect S.H.E with the idea of marriage, even though their luck with the opposite sex was very good and each of them had been rumored with super handsome guys. Many fans also felt that even without marriage, the three of them could still be together happily to old age.

When the reporters kept asking them the one thing they most wanted to accomplish, as if previously agreed, all three said that they wanted to get marry within the next two years. Hebe expressed: [We have never been super women nor do we think that we could even become that type of a person. Now we do what we like to do and hoped that we could continue to respect our current desires. Before I reach 30, I hope to meet a very good man and have a happy family. I think this is every girl’s dream. Even if we were married and have children, at that time, if everyone is still willing to accept S.H.E, we would still continue to work and still be working happily just like right now.]

Selina shared that S.H.E had a common requirement for their future other half: [We all hoped that each other’s “that person” could play along with us, could understand the cold jokes between us and could let us to do whatever we want to do at any given time.]

Source: finance.ifeng.com
Translation by wyn0602 of CEFC

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