Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Kay Tse will release first mandarin album

Kay Tse

It's been a while since Kay Tse appeared in public, yesterday she attended the (Anti-Corruption Ambassador) event. Kay reveals that she's recently busy recording for her debut Mandarin album. For a perfect album, she will give up on the opportunities to earn extra money, she will request some 'time off' from her company. She said: "This time I am really focusing on doing my best for this album because it is my first debut Mandarin album after all. So for this month I didn't really participate in any public events. Kay also admits that she has lost some income: "Don't know the calculations and not worried about having no income at all. I will earn money in different way. It's more important that my new album does well."

Also, ever since Kay and her husband Louis Cheung started a family together, the couple are often targeted by the media. First they were described as a poor married couple, then when Kay's popularity grew based on her song (Wedding Street Invitation), the media started saying Louis counted on his wife to eat. Now when Kay's popularity decreases, the media flips the rumors around saying Louis has to run around looking for jobs to support the family. Every day there are fresh new rumors about them. Towards this, Louis says: "How much pressure Kay experiences, I know it the most. If someone is trying to do something to harm and attack her, she will actually think of it as a way to help her own growth, she's really strong."

Before Kay has often been criticized that when she sings, she gets off-tune, as her husband, Louis brings justice for his wife: "You can count your five fingers the amount of times she made a mistake in her singing. Hong Kong singers have intense jobs, will definitely use a lot of physical energy. Which singer hasn't gotten off-tune before, who hasn't made a mistake before?! The soccer king makes mistakes too, kicking a ball 12 yards and will miss!" Louis said that there was a short period of time where Kay's vocal cords had an infection, a flipped throat" situation. One will know why she made mistakes if they knew she had his condition. Louis felt that Hong Kong people are like "critical culture", every person acts like they're a professional singing teacher and can jump out to say who made a mistake.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translator: aZnangel@http://asianuniverse.net/forums/

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