Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Kenneth Ma as playboy cop in The Mysteries of Love

Kenneth Ma

Whether it is in real life or filming series, Kenneth Ma only had rumours with Margie Tsang and Nancy Wu in his eleven years of being in the entertainment industry. Basically, he doesn't have much news. He is low-profile and dependable. He is nothing like the roles he plays.

Recently, in "The Mysteries of Love", Kenneth changed his silly image, which has been established for many years, into a playboy cop. As for the image change, Kenneth is not only not worried, but rather said with confidence, "I can absolutely play!"

In the series, Kenneth plays Lo Tin Hang, who is a self-designated charmer and does not like to be tied down. He enjoys love without responsibility, and he is a 'player' through and through. In the series, he has kiss scenes and close bodily contact with Bernice Liu, Jess Sum, etc.

Female Co-stars Must Be Very Professional

As for the intense bed scenes, Kenneth laughingly said that he was worried about others saying that he was taking advantage of the situation. "When filming these scenes, guys are more indifferent, but girls are more awkward [about it]. If the girl feels awkward, it would be very difficult for the guy [when filming the scene], because if you do it too many times, others would say you are taking advantage of the situation. However, if you do it with reservation, the director will say it is not convincing. Luckily, my female co-stars in this series were very professional; the scenes were completed quickly". His female co-stars were professional, so was he also professional to the point that there was no awkwardness? "None. Actually, in all series I have filmed, I have kissed a number of girls, so I have some experience. With all of my years of acting experience, as long as the girl is not afraid, I am also okay with it!"

It is difficult to imagine Kenneth, who has always given the impression of being simple, as a 'player', so with a sense of doubt, he was asked whether he can really play it convincingly. With a sense of confidence, he loudly said, "Of course I'll look the part! After people watch the series, they will think I am like that!"

Kenneth absolutely has confidence in himself, but he still had some worries, because he did not know whether these 'intense' scenes would actually be able to air. "The boundaries for television are more strict. For example, there's a scene where I kiss Bernice from the door to the bed--it was really intense. In the series, there are also back revealing scenes and scenes of getting out of the bath. Although I thought about whether [they] can be aired, there's nothing you can do about it. Because of what is required in the script, you must film it first!" It seems that Kenneth's worries were unnecessary, as the intense scene between him and Bernice already aired last week.

Childhood Dream to Be a Cop

Being a cop is actually Kenneth's childhood dream; thus, although he has many girls in the series, this is not comparable to how memorable it was to fulfill his childhood dream. "In the series, the investigation scenes are the most memorable. When I was young, I would watch 'Police Cadet', and I thought about becoming a cop. In this series, I filmed scenes of vehicle pursuit and stakeouts. I found it quite amusing. It should be quite fun to be a cop in real life".

After being a playboy cop, Kenneth will work with Olympic gold-medal gymnast Liu Xuan in the new series "Female Fist". Even if it is not required for him to fight intensely, he still wants to film all of his scenes himself, so he has been actively practicing martial arts. Kenneth also revealed that he will be given a new challenge in this series, as it will be his first time playing a true villain. Asking him if he is 'able to be villainous', he humourously said, "[I] can be a villain! You can see from my playboy [character] that I can 'play', so you must know that I can also be a villain!"

Hope to Have a Share in the Awards

In "A Fistful of Stances", Kenneth received a lot of praise from playing the righteous Ku Yue Tong, a martial arts master who loved to suppress the strong and help the weak. He upstaged the first male lead, Kevin Cheng. This time, he is also convincing as a playboy. Asking him if he has confidence in the year-end awards, he said, "Hope to have a share in the awards. The most important is to have a chance to fight [for some awards]!"

Source: hkdailynews
Credits: hyn5 @ 幸而城 Fortunate City

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