Kamis, 12 November 2009

Jing Wong comments on his fame from “Momo Love”

jing wong

Innately Awkward Jing Wong is the “Pistachio” of “Momo Love” Crew

Singaporean native Jing Wong has been maintaining a relatively positive attitude in his acting debut for Taiwanese idol drama “Momo Love”. His relatively newcomer status doesn’t seem to show though, as many viewers of the Taiwanese idol drama “Momo Love” initially thought that he was the lead actor of the show instead of Fahrenheit’s Jiro Wang.

Furthermore, every time he’s interviewed by Taiwanese journalists, he shyly tries to sidestep them with responses like “Don’t ask me these questions. I’ll embarrass myself!”

Heading back to the spotlight last week, Jing switched styles in how he responds. Still acting like his character in the drama, he innocently responds with “Fine, fine.” But while he described himself as amusing and professed to being an idiot, it’s really just for entertainment value.

A Role that Provokes Laughs and Outshines the Handsome Guys

Besides Jiro and fellow Fahrenheit member Calvin Chen, rounding out the cast of handsome guys in “Momo Love” is the media-dubbed “Fashion F4” that is Ken Chu, Blue Lan, Ding Chun Cheng, and Godfrey Gao. The last four and Jing make up the brothers of lead actress Cyndi Wang’s character in the show, and if one were to line up all the brothers together, Jing doesn’t seem to compare. But who knew that ever since the drama started airing, that the person most discussed about and fawned over is actually Jing.

Seeing him speak in the drama and provoking laughs, it’s no wonder that his words and actions continue to seem more “normal” than the other actors.

What are some amusing things that Jing does secretly?

Jing: I will say pointless jokes…I think I’m still a really entertaining guy. *pauses, then adds* I’ll look right inside the camera… *pretends that he’s reading a dialogue* …a little bit like…an idiot.

Jing: When I was in school, my classmates thought I was Russian, or some Chinese but didn’t know where from.

Taiwanese media has reported Jing as being “innately awkward”, but his impressions with others have been considerably great. He’s the “Momo Love” crew’s pistachio (happy fruit), and takes the initiative to help out the staff when he’s not being filmed in the drama.

The reporter then told Jing that he has a bigger role in the show, even though Jiro is the star of the show. He then asks Jing if he feels bad (about his bigger role).

Jing: No way, I’m the new guy!

The Most “Kissing Scene Benefits” in “Momo Love”

One can see examples of Jing being being welcomed by the media coverage. Back when Jing was new, as he and the other actors in the drama were promoting the drama on the streets, his likable persona had people crowding around him, and his newfound popularity was actually taking attention away from the other actors.

While the Taiwanese media have already dubbed Jing as “innately awkward”, he’s actually quite popular, and is referred to by the “Momo Love” crew as their “pistachio (happy fruit)”. When he’s not being filmed in the drama, Jing actively helps with the boom microphone, since the person that carries it is a girl, and carries the heavy microphone easily on his sturdy shoulders.

Jing has already had his first screen kiss (with Albee Huang) in a previous MV, and although he often gets bullied as the fifth brother by his other brothers, he’s quite popular with the girls. Since he has so many “kissing scene benefits”, it enticed Jiro to say with envy, “I also want to act [in those scenes].”

The character played by Jiro’s Fahrenheit band mate Calvin Chen also wants to pursue the sister of Jing’s character, but since he’s afraid of getting exposed, Calvin intentionally pretends to be gay and sacrifices a “mischievous kissing scene” with Jing.

Asked about this, Jing said, “If I were the one initiating the kissing scene, I would be nervous. But since I was the victim, I wasn’t. As long as I wasn’t the one doing it.” He said that he closed his eyes completely, as if he was prepared for it.

Asked by the report if he felt any shock from being kissed by Calvin, Jing said, “I shouldn’t be, should I?” Afterwards, Jing said that he was looking forward to kissing a female actress, and replied, “Because after shooting the MV (with Albee Huang), I felt it a sense of beauty to it. And since I got a kiss that I didn’t want, I treasured it.” Jing then put on a serious face, but then gave a goofy take on it.

Reporter: You’ve been very fortunate with your role. Must be satisfying.

Jing responded that the kissing part was satisfying, but that everything else was strenuous. For example, not only did he fall into a dirty trench, but also wore a beard prop and had to fight back the tickling sensation of wearing it. Jing also said that he had makeup put on his head to make it look like a wound, and had to fight back the urge of scratching the uncomfortable sticky feeling from the dye.

Jing didn’t break a sweat during the interview, obviously showing his experience with the Taiwanese media environment.


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