Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

Raymond Lam pays more attention to skincare now to maintain facial appearance

raymond lam

Men who use skincare products are getting more and more common. In the recent year, Raymond Lam started paying more attention to skincare, he said: "It's not about trying to be pretty or not, as an artist we often need to attend events. We should pay more attention to our appearance." He also said that before he was very lazy, sometimes after work he would be really tired and just use towels to wipe his face. But ever since there are more males using skincare products, he tried it and felt that the results were worked well, therefore he started using them more often.

In the past, Raymond has been the spokesperson for Southeast Asia skincare products before. He hopes that in the future he could be a spokesperson for one of the skincare brands in Hong Kong. Recently he has been filming for new TVB series "Shall We State the Case", he said: "If outdoor scenes or studio scenes are added, in one day, I need 10+ hours to do make-up, so I definitely need to use some skincare products otherwise my skin would be ruined." Last night, he was in the studio filming and because his role is a physics professor, he needs to say many medical physics terms. At first he was very worried about that, but fortunately when it was time to film for real, he did not NG that much.

Source: Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

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