Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

David Tsui died of cancer aged 54

David Tsui

David Tsui (大傻) aged 54, passed away at 11:45pm last night at Hong Kong Baptist Hospital following nose cancer, which has spread to his liver. His friends and family were at his bedside.

At 11pm last night, his friends included Eric Tsang, Nick Cheung, Fat mom (Maria Cordero) etc were all at the hospital. It was planned a press conference would be held at midnight, but the media waited till 2am before they were told David had died.

David came from a poorfamily background, he is the forth among five brothers. He left school at the age of 13, found a job as an "extra" for Shaw's Brother when he was 15. Afterwards, he moved over to work for Golden Harvest for a few years. In 1978, he was discovered by Danny Lee who gave him a part in the movie "Final Justice". playing the role called (大傻), hence his nick name. As David was tall and look fierce, he always acted as villain, he did over few hundreds movies in his life time, included "Prison On fire", "God Of Gamblers" and in 2007 he acted in "C+Detective" which was his last film. Among his TV series, he acted in "The Vigilante In The Mask" and "A Taste Of Love".

David and his family live in Sai Kung. He was elected as the representative of Nam Wai village in 2003 and was re-elected 5 times till 2007. In 2004, he was diagnosed as having terminal nose cancer, and it has spread to his lungs. After chemotherapy, he was stable for a while, but he had lost his taste bud and could not secrete saliva and his right ear only had 2% hearing. David 's illness has deteriorated since last year and his cancer cells had spread to his livers. He died weighing only 100 pounds.

Eric was by his bedside the other night. He told reporter he went to the hospital straight after he attended an event. David was already unconscious; friends at the hospital all said that they couldn't belive David had gone downhill so quickly. They were hoping he could last till the morning. Two nights ago, Alan Tam went to see David at 8 pm, straigt from the airport. David was able to talk, the doctor gave his a morphine injection and said he might not regain consciousness again.

Eric said David didn't want to sleep for 24 hours before he died. Maybe he didn't want to go. The doctor didn't want him to suffer, therefore he gave him the injection to release his pain and suffering. David couldn't talk afterwards, Eric said to him to let go. Reporter asked if David was very thin? Eric said, not too bad and the whole process was quick. Eric reckoned sometime it is better to go quickly and peacefully instead of suffering for months. He revealed that last time he saw David, he was full of beans, saying "Electrocute that guy (cancer), he can't compete with me." Eric said David died very peacefully and he was still a big guy. Eric has asked a Buddhist monk to performed a Buddhist death ritual by hie bed side.

In fact the doctor had stopped giving him any chemotherapy since last week because he knew about his prognoses. David felt he had nothing else to do in hospital, insisted to discharge home to visit his friends and family. Two days ago, he developed a fever, and was re-admitted to the hospital. David was most worried about leaving his 10 years old son. Talking about his funeral, Eric expressed that all his friends would help out if his family agreed. Michael Mui was in America when he heard the news, he also said he would help with the funeral arrangement when he comes back.

Eric and David have known each other for a long time. Following the movie "Greatest Lover", they were even closer friends. David was a member in the star football team, Eric said he was a loyal friend; although he looked fierce, he was caring and had a very kind heart. A lot of people in the entertainment circle always went to him for help if they had any problem, such as losing a car. If the car was still around in Hong Kong, David would find it. Eric disclosed that David liked eating and drinking in the mainland the past few years as he was busy working there. It may well be the among of alcohol he consumed that had affected his health. Eric said a meeting will be held tomorrow to decide if Hong Kong Performing Artistes Guild will organize his funeral. It will be a Buddhist ceremony.

Source: Takungpao/MingPao/Wenweipo/ (image)
Translator: R.E.D @

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