Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

Andy Lau reveals himself: Carol Chu is pregnant

Andy Lau

Andy Lau & Carol Chu’s 24-year relationship was exposed after they were seen holding hands in public. Now, there are further rumours suggesting that they had already registered for marriage last year on the 23rd of June. Yesterday, Andy posted on his ‘Andy’s World’ blog site, first posting up an entry titled ‘I’m sorry’, expressing his apologies. Later, he indirectly confirmed the marriage rumour; at 9:27pm, he posted another entry titled ‘A belated confession’, and threw another bombshell: Carol Chu is pregnant.

Yesterday noon, while Andy was in Zhe Jiang, he took some time out to post on his ‘Andy’s World’ blog site. He expressed: “I am ashamed that I did not keep my promise in telling everyone first, embarrassing my family, friends, and media friends who trusted me, I’m sorry.. I’m currently busy with work, and can’t make a statement, but I will explain everything soon - Andy.”

A belated confession; confirming marriage & pregnancy rumours

Later that night, Andy posted another entry titled ‘A belated confession’, and he revealed: “… I thought that I could wait until everything goes smoothly, and the fetal is stable, before telling everyone, but now I have made things even more complicated…” It seems he is hinting at the truth, which is; in order to accommodate Carol’s old-age pregnancy, which was in accordance to the Fertility Act in Hong Kong, they decided to register for marriage in America.

Andy’s boss Peter Lam also confirmed the marriage rumours; Andy is currently working in China, the night before yesterday, he did a show recording in Hang Zhou, and he danced and sung on the stage. Yesterday, he filmed a MV outdoors, and was completely invested in the role of an artist, and did not affected by his private life being prominently reported.

Source: Liberty Times
Translation: Sarah @ AsianFanatics

Leon Lai and Gaile Lok secretly married a year and a half ago

Leon Lai

March of last year, Oriental Daily discovered that Leon Lai and Gaile Lok officially registered for marriage in Maldives. At the time the couple denied to such thing, but paper cannot cover fire (secrets cannot be covered), yesterday it was finally exposed that they were married on March 9th of last year in Las Vegas, United States. This proves that the exclusive was accurate. As for Andy Lau who had always been denying that he's marriage and Miriam Yeung was discovered to have secretly gotten married in Las Vegas, but the three of them kept their mouths shut yesterday.

As the saying goes: "paper cannot cover fire", the truth will eventually be exposed! Last year in March, Oriental Daily exclusively reported that Leon Lai and Gaile have already gotten married, but at the time they did not have enough evidence to prove it accurate. It was also revealed that Leon and Gaile were to hold their million dollar wedding in Maldives. Leon's father responded to the rumor and could not help but to express his sweet smile. Just based on these findings, the couple denied to such thing, while Gaile was in Taiwan for public events, she expressed: "I am not married." This year Leon held a concert and had weddings as the theme, he continued to insist his previous respond: "No, No, No."

Although Leon refused to reveal if he's married Gaile, but yesterday Reporters in the United States found something surprising at the Clark County, Nevada website. It stated that the couple arrived in Las Vegas on March 7, 2008 and registered for marriage on March 9th under the English names LEON, LAI MING and LAI GIA, proving the news discovered by Oriental Daily true. It is understood that she is a Sino-Vietnamese half-cast, that was born in Macau and, at one point, she revealed that her chinese surname was Lai, but as for why Gaile's surname was originally Lai Oriental Daily re-investigated records to find out. They found that during a period of time last year, Leon was doing public promotions for a movie, it is clear that they were in love and rushed to get married.

Early yesterday morning reporters were waiting outside the front door of Leon and Gaile's detached house in Sheung Shui, but unfortunately the involved people did not emerge. Calls to Leon's mobile phone were diverted to voice mail and, due to his inbox quickly becoming full, we were unable to leave a message. At about 6pm in the afternoon, we suddenly saw Leon driving his babysitter back home but not long after Leon drove back out with an empty car. However, he said to the reporters waiting outside, "She won't come out, you can all finish work now."

Associated artists sworn to secrecy

As we know Leon, yesterday, left very early to go filming, yet he did not let the disclosure of his marriage affect his mood, which shows just how professional he is. While the East Asian entertainment industry were responding to Andy Lau and Miriam Yeung's respective marriages, Leon decided to expose his own. He points out that apart from Andy and Miriam, there is another married artist that has yet to be made public. He also said that the reporters may as well investigate it, which totally made it obvious that he was referring to himself and Gaile.

Yesterday reporters contacted Ms.Sam, a spokesperson of Leon's record company, however, she did not reply. It seems that even associated artists Janice Wei and Charles Ying have received an "order" - that is to keep it on the down low. As for the modelling company Gaile is with, they said that, "Today we have not seen any related reports, really? We're not sure. (Not letting other models getting married?) Of course not, however, we have not heard her talk about it before. Getting married is a joyous matter, we're sure that she would say.

Celebrity Marriages in Las Vegas to avoid the eyes and ears of others [Source: Mingpao]

You can count with your fingers how many celebrities have gotten married in Las Vegas United States, its because thats where eyes and ears of others could be avoided.

Ray Lui, Kathy Chow
Dated for 3 years, in 1988 they registered for marriage in Las Vegas, but never successfully completed the registration.

Sean Lau, Amy Kwok
The two started their relationship in 1992 due to the TVB series "The Greed of Man", they dated for a short period of 2 years before officially getting married in Las Vegas on April 26, 1994.

Winnie Lau, Edmond So (from Grasshopper)
The couple was married on December 26, 1997 secretly in Las Vegas. They held their wedding banquet in 1998 in Hong Kong.

Liza Wang, Lau Kar Ying
Dated for 20 years, proposed to Liza several times and finally on May 2, 2009 they were married in Las Vegas. The couple immediately announced it to the public.

Miriam Yeung, Real Ding
Most recent couple who secretly were married in Las Vegas. August 11, 2009

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel & boo @ AEU

Hacken Lee looks for white pants for carrying the "Torch"

Hacken Lee

Hacken Lee and Gigi Fu attended Prevention of Cruelty to Animals "Animal Welfare Parade,"opening ceremony yesterday. Hacken has got a Golden Retriever, he admitted that ever since his son was born, he has spent less time with his dog. He also stressed that he wouldn't give him away although the dog is isolated from his son who has sensitive skin. Hacken heard he has a part in carrying the torch, but the weather is hot and the child is too small to be under the sun, therefore he won't be seeing him carrying the torch. It is a pity because when his son grows up, he may not have a chance to see it. Hacken went on to say the organization is very strict with dress code, he will have to wear a plain white pants underneath his short because he doesn't want people to see he is wearing a "Teddy bear" pants, even worse if he is wearing "Spiderman" or "Superman" pants.

Talking about David Tsui who had passed away the other day, Hacken said he heard that he has been very ill from Alan Tam, he felt really sad. Now he heard David has died, he felt even worse. Hacken said David was a lovely guy, but he often pretended to be a wicked man. His death maybe a blessing in disguise for him because he had suffered so much for so long.

Source: Takungpo
Translator: R.E.D @

Kelly Chen announces returning to work in September

Kelly Chen

Kelly Chen brought her lovable son Chace Lau Sing into the world on July 10, 2009, since then she has been at home taking care of him and has already rested for 2 months. The modern mother announced that she'll be returning to work on September 3, 2009. Her first job back at work would be to attend Maxim's Mooncake press conference and will be leaving to Singapore in 4 days to cut the ribbon for TOD. Because Kelly did not want to leave her son behind for too long, she would be going on an early flight back to Hong Kong the next morning.

As for Kelly's husband Alex Lau, the other night he and a male friend attended Khalil Fong's concert. He was asked why he didn't bring his wife along? He nodded his head and did not respond. Asked about how Chace is doing lately? He said: "Okay. He got very chubby. (How many pounds?) ask his mom. (Did Kelly successfully lose the weight?) OK." He expressed that he supports Kelly going back to work, he greatly respects his wife.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Khalil Fong's "Timeless Live in Hong Kong 2009" concert first show

Khalil Fong

Khalil Fong held his "Timeless Live in Hong Kong 2009" in three consecutive days in Wan Chai. Last night, it was his first show, implementing less talk and more songs to the audience. His parents and several friends came to show their support including rumored girlfriend Fiona Sit. Fiona attended with her other rumored boyfriend Jaycee Chan.

But Fiona sat with Stephanie Cheng and Pakho Chau, while Jaycee sat with another friend. Later when Reporters requested that the two take pictures together, Jaycee embarrassingly denied, but Fiona was generous and stood up for the picture. Seeing this Jaycee also went along and took the picture with Fiona, but afterwards he quickly left. Seems like Jaycee wanted to greet his other friend. When the show started, the two did not avoid to sit with each other, but Jaycee left during the encore.

At Khalil's concert, he brought several different musical instruments with him including a piano, electric guitar and a guitar. Also he did not change his outfit at all during the concert except in the encore. Khalil sang many of the golden songs by his idol Michael Jackson, using "Bad" for the opening. In addition, he sang a few Cantonese songs and many other Mandarin and English songs. Khalil frankly said on stage that he's very nervous because its the first time he's singing them in public. Although the concert did not have much fancy designs, but the atmosphere was still very lively. Female fans shouted loudly praising that he was handsome, Khalil heard this and smiled: "I always hear someone say I'm handsome, what do you mean? It is wrong!" During the encore, he ran off the stage and towards the audience to shake hands with them, leading to a mob of fans running up towards the front.

Source: Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Gigi Leung will support fund raising for Zheng Sheng

Gigi Leung

Jade Kwan is organizing a concert to raise fund for Christian Zheng Sheng College students next month. There have been rumors that Gigi Leung and Miriam Yeung declined their invitation as performing guests due to some problems in fees. Gigi was interviewed the other night about the rumor, she strongly insisted that she only had a verbal agreement with Jade, and she hasn't heard any changes yet. Therefore, she will still turn up for the concert. Talking about the College has been under investigation by ICAC, Gigi responded "The company will take note of that. I just want to help the students. (Will the money go to the school?) I don't want to make a comment, you have to ask Jade, I am not the fund raiser." The reporter made a remark that Jade has to be mentally prepared to be the only artist in the concert, Gigi said "Poor thing, she only wants to do charity work to raise money for the students to buy computers." Gigi added "Those students are innocent, they really want to make a new life, and if that can help them, I will support them." Reporter went on to ask if Gigi has contacted Miriam? Gigi said no, but she repeated again that she had verbally agreed to appear as guest in the concert, and she will wait and see what happens next.

Source: MingPao/Wenweipo (image)
Translator: R.E.D @

David Tsui died of cancer aged 54

David Tsui

David Tsui (大傻) aged 54, passed away at 11:45pm last night at Hong Kong Baptist Hospital following nose cancer, which has spread to his liver. His friends and family were at his bedside.

At 11pm last night, his friends included Eric Tsang, Nick Cheung, Fat mom (Maria Cordero) etc were all at the hospital. It was planned a press conference would be held at midnight, but the media waited till 2am before they were told David had died.

David came from a poorfamily background, he is the forth among five brothers. He left school at the age of 13, found a job as an "extra" for Shaw's Brother when he was 15. Afterwards, he moved over to work for Golden Harvest for a few years. In 1978, he was discovered by Danny Lee who gave him a part in the movie "Final Justice". playing the role called (大傻), hence his nick name. As David was tall and look fierce, he always acted as villain, he did over few hundreds movies in his life time, included "Prison On fire", "God Of Gamblers" and in 2007 he acted in "C+Detective" which was his last film. Among his TV series, he acted in "The Vigilante In The Mask" and "A Taste Of Love".

David and his family live in Sai Kung. He was elected as the representative of Nam Wai village in 2003 and was re-elected 5 times till 2007. In 2004, he was diagnosed as having terminal nose cancer, and it has spread to his lungs. After chemotherapy, he was stable for a while, but he had lost his taste bud and could not secrete saliva and his right ear only had 2% hearing. David 's illness has deteriorated since last year and his cancer cells had spread to his livers. He died weighing only 100 pounds.

Eric was by his bedside the other night. He told reporter he went to the hospital straight after he attended an event. David was already unconscious; friends at the hospital all said that they couldn't belive David had gone downhill so quickly. They were hoping he could last till the morning. Two nights ago, Alan Tam went to see David at 8 pm, straigt from the airport. David was able to talk, the doctor gave his a morphine injection and said he might not regain consciousness again.

Eric said David didn't want to sleep for 24 hours before he died. Maybe he didn't want to go. The doctor didn't want him to suffer, therefore he gave him the injection to release his pain and suffering. David couldn't talk afterwards, Eric said to him to let go. Reporter asked if David was very thin? Eric said, not too bad and the whole process was quick. Eric reckoned sometime it is better to go quickly and peacefully instead of suffering for months. He revealed that last time he saw David, he was full of beans, saying "Electrocute that guy (cancer), he can't compete with me." Eric said David died very peacefully and he was still a big guy. Eric has asked a Buddhist monk to performed a Buddhist death ritual by hie bed side.

In fact the doctor had stopped giving him any chemotherapy since last week because he knew about his prognoses. David felt he had nothing else to do in hospital, insisted to discharge home to visit his friends and family. Two days ago, he developed a fever, and was re-admitted to the hospital. David was most worried about leaving his 10 years old son. Talking about his funeral, Eric expressed that all his friends would help out if his family agreed. Michael Mui was in America when he heard the news, he also said he would help with the funeral arrangement when he comes back.

Eric and David have known each other for a long time. Following the movie "Greatest Lover", they were even closer friends. David was a member in the star football team, Eric said he was a loyal friend; although he looked fierce, he was caring and had a very kind heart. A lot of people in the entertainment circle always went to him for help if they had any problem, such as losing a car. If the car was still around in Hong Kong, David would find it. Eric disclosed that David liked eating and drinking in the mainland the past few years as he was busy working there. It may well be the among of alcohol he consumed that had affected his health. Eric said a meeting will be held tomorrow to decide if Hong Kong Performing Artistes Guild will organize his funeral. It will be a Buddhist ceremony.

Source: Takungpao/MingPao/Wenweipo/ (image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Sandy Lau : I am not a lesbian

sandy Lau

Miss Hong Kong Sandy Lau, Germaine Li and Candy Yuen went to Luk Fok Jewellery to collect their wining prizes yesterday. They bumped into Pauline Yeung (Miss HK 1987).

There have been media reports that the quality of this year's Miss Hong Kong is below standard. Sandy Lau was reported having a "broke back" relationship with Winnie Ma. Talking about a magazine recently reported that Candy has expressed her love to Sandy in the internet, Sandy responded "I am used to it, this kind of reports have been around for 3 months now. I know Candy didn't express her love in the net, we are all good friends, there is no "Broke Back" relationship between us. (Will you two develop an affair?) I am not a lesbian, I like the opposite sex." (But Candy said she won't rule out liking females?) That I don't know, we never talked about it." (Do you fancy her?) Noway, I will never fancy a girl."

Sandy said "I never wrote such thing in the internet. I only said I missed Sandy as a friend. I like her being open and friendly. I was expressing my friendship to her, she likes guys, so do I." Sandy also disclosed that she fancies a male worker, and the rest of the contestant all know about it. I can only say at the moment I am not a lesbian, but I can't guarantee that in 10 or 20 years time."

Sandy accepted an interview yesterday, talking about the report that Sandy has plastic surgery, Sandy responded quickly "Do you think I am Michael Jackson?" Sandy was being criticized after making such remark. She posted in the internet to apologize to MJ's family and his supporters, saying "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it, hope you forgive me."

Source: MingPao
Translator: R.E.D @

Patrick Tang drags Shirley into the water

Patrick Tang

Yesterday Shirley Yeung and Patrick Tang attended a Disney event together dressed in cute outfits. The two even told stories to children actively, the scene was quite lively. Shirley accepted an interview and expressed that her mom often told her stories during her childhood and now she can pass on these stories to other children, it's an extremely special feeling! Asked if she would want to participate in TVB's passing the torch event? She reveals that she would be hosting for a sporting evening ceremony soon. She said: "I feel pressure too, but having this opportunity is quite meaningful!" Asked about which water sports she liked? Shirley loves driving the most and praises Guo Jing Jing's talent in diving. "She just simply did diving and got 5 awards, it is truly amazing! (Will you go watch the event live?) I want to, there will be a whole different feeling!"

Patrick expressed that under Alex Fong's influence, he really enjoys watching the swimming competition: "He said that swimming is good to watch, so I turned it on and watched it! Also, I like volleyball too!" Reporters asked if he would announce his love relationship? He embarrassingly dragged Shirley down into the water: "One day I'll hold hands with Shirley! Let fate decide!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Bernice Liu fears love relationship may change after publicly announced

Bernice Liu

Bernice Liu and 8 Models including Anjaylia and Evelyn attended a skincare event yesterday. Although Bernice and Jocelyn did not agree on what to wear, but they coincidentally still ended up wearing the same tube dress to the event. Currently busy filming for new series "Shall We State the Case" with Kenneth Ma, Bernice expressed that she developed a fresh new modern couple relationship with him. Asked if her mom accepts all the reports with her and Moses Chan's relationship. She said: "She usually reads the news. (Will you be like Andy Lau announcing your relationship?) I have seen that same news recently!" Later she expressed that she's worried that if she exposes a love relationship, there will be a change as a result: "It's two people's business when it comes to dating. If we announce it, then we'll have to have an explanation for 700 million people! (Who didn't want to announce it?) We had always announced our good friend relationship, but it's been a while since we been in a series together."

Source: The Sun
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Sonjia Kwok safely protects her chest from Roger Kwok

Sonija Kwok

Yesterday Sonjia Kwok attended an event wearing a deep V shirt, while playing games she used her hands the whole time as a chest protector. Even with Roger Kwok on her back, she did not lose the protection!

Roger Kwok, Sonjia Kwok, Nancy Wu and Siu Yee attended the "D.I.E Again" promotional event at Olympian City yesterday. The organizers arranged games for the cast. When Sonjia had to piggy back Roger on her back, she was facing several camera flashes below the stages, with a Miss HK background, Sonjia did not lose her focus in protecting her chest area with her hand. Even if Roger was behind her on her back, she would brush his hand away, very protective! Meanwhile, on the other side of the stage, Him Law did not protect himself nor his partner very well! When he carried Jessie Sum, he unfortunately was bothered by Mimi Lo and Rain Lau trying to pull up his clothes, exposing his underwear! During the chaos, he accidentally grabbed a hold of Jessie's chest area!

Zac Koo pulling up Him Law's underwear while he's carrying Jessie Sum

Denied wife is pregnant

Sonjia expressed that during filming, she had interactions with the baby daily, giving her a huge sense of motherhood: "If in the future I don't have a baby of my own, I would adopt one! (It was said that you treat your mother as an assistant?) My mom loves me, I bring her to the events because she likes to come along, sometimes she would help me carry things!" She expressed that in the meantime she does not have intentions of hiring an assistant because she felt that the work hours of an assistant is too long. As for Roger, he denied that his wife Cindy Au is pregnant again: "It's fake! I'm going to wait until my son goes to school first before we consider having another one, maybe 1 or 2 more years. Just one more baby is enough!" He clarified that his wife has recently gotten very thin.

Source: The Sun
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Eason Chan:This nonsense rumor has to stop

Eason Chan

There have been rumors that Eason Chan and Kay Tse are having an affair recently. The other night the two arrived at the a function separately. Kay stayed with her husband Louis Cheung all evening to prevent more media gossips. Eason told the reporters angrily that it is a nonsense, saying "I suspect someone made it up on purpose."

There were over 100 artists attended the function, including Jacky Cheung, Alan Tam, Miriam Yeung, Joey Yung and Charlene Choi etc. Eason and Kay work for the same music company, but they arrived at the function separately so that reporters could not take pictures of them being seen together. Moreover, Kay was by her husband's side all evening, showing people that they are still a loving couple.

Eason told reporters "It is a nonsense to suggest that rumor, we are just friends. At first I didn't mind that much, after all its only gossip, but it is getting out of hand now, and it MUST stop, this joke is getting to far. (It was rumored that Denise Ho started it.) I am sure she didn't."

After Kay left the cocktail party, she went straight to do a show in Wan Chai, wearing a bare back dress. She also told reporters "I am sure someone had created this rumor on purpose, it has to stop." Reporter made a remark that this love saga has involved 5 people, Kay sounded deflated saying "Nonsense, this is not news anymore, it is a made up story, like a TV series, no feel."

Hilary Tsui, Eason's wife attended the promotion activity for Bertolucci the other night. Reporter asked her will she mind if Eason and Kay go abroad together, Hilary stopped and replied "That depends where they are going. Aren't they worried people may take their pictures together." Hilary stated that after she was married, no one dared chase after her, she smiled and said "Who dares to challenge "Song God"

Translator: R.E.D @

Jacky Cheung is a good father and a a good husband

Jacky Cheung

Jacky Cheung, one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" attended an activity in a radio station the other evening wearing a grey suit. He didn't make any comment when he was asked about Andy and Carol's relationship. In fact, Jacky is the first person to get married among the "Four Heavenly Kings". Andy and Jacky take their love life very seriously; 23 years ago, Jacky met his wife May May (羅美薇) after working on the film "My Infatuation" (痴心的我). May May gave up her potential entertainment career to be the woman behind Jacky. They got married in 1996 and had two daughters. Jacky used to take the girls to school and to the park when they were young and was considered as 湊女公. He is well known as a good father and a good husband.

Translator: R.E.D @

Charmaine Sheh feels hopeless sometimes

Charmaine Sheh

Many Hong Kong Movie award winners have said when they become actors they become passionate. When their acting reaches an established level they recieve recognition. But when the market is bad, they can only wait for luck. Charmaine Sheh is a Miss Hong Kong 2nd Runner up and also an actress. In TVB's 2006 Anniversary Award Ceremony she was awarded a double and recieved the TV Queen title. Reaching the top of her career, she was still shooting TV series one after the other. The results are not disappointing either. When someone gets famous they also become a topic of discussion whether its about rumors, personality and not getting along with others.

She said "If you achieve alot you will also lose many things. There are advantages and disadvantages. The first thing is that you can maintain your popularity. But the disadvantage is that many of the things being said are untrue. It is quite confusing. You either love it or hate it. I have no control over it, so let it be. If I haven't been in the news lately then thats okay, If you're discussing about me then say what you like. I cannot do anything about it".

Charmaine has been in the industry for 12 years. Society and technology has also improved. She expressed that she has recently injured her lower back. As a reporter, I was afraid that extreme discussions may increase her movement and affect her back pain.

Miss Hong Kong 1997 Charmaine Sheh has become a popular TVB Fa Dan to date. Currently TVB series "You're Hired has peaked ratings of 33 points. She has also completed the shooting for TVB Grand production "Beyond the Realm of Conscience" and taken a 1 month holiday. While taking time off she would be able to do things she didn't have time to do such as spending 3 hours for a magazine shoot, have dinner with friends she hasn't seen for a year, stay at home to watch TV and take a flight to Hawaii to visit her Mom etc. "I cannot totally rest because I have too many social gatherings with friends. Hong Kong is a small place, yet the Paparazzi's are too much. Especially during this century, don't you think there aren't any celebrities? Because of the way they are treated by the paparazzi's. How can there be any left?

The First step in becoming an actress

Charmaine made the first step to becoming an actress. "When they first asked me if I was interested in auditioning to become an actress, I didn't think about it and said [Of Course I will try]. Why did I want try? Actually I wanted to try a lot of new things. The Miss Hong Kong Pageant was over, yet I recieved an award. Would I need do charity work everyday? Even if I do, it would just be for 1 year. I was just feeling very curious and playful when I filmed my first few TV series. People said that my acting was poor but I had already given my best. I had limited knowledge of acting and no acting experience. That's why it was average, I needed to have more experience to gain the acting skills. I felt that maybe this industry wasn't right for me and that maybe I should change industries. I had these thoughts even though I already signed a 3 year artist contract with TVB. One year I would shoot 100 episodes of TV series. How would I have time to think about these things? I would just go home and sleep. When I hadn't yet finished shooting a series, I would need to shoot another one after. It was continuous. The company did not give up on me. They offered me many opportunties to play different roles, so that I was able to discover which type of role could make me shine".

My personality is not suitable for this industry. In the past I was very quiet. I never had the ability to perform. When I was studying they asked me to perform in a school play. I said No, will people laugh at me? Perhaps it was because I studied in a girls school, the best thing would be not to approach or look at me".

Do My Best

In "Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain" she played the role of Miu Yeuk Lan. She stated that she only had to act weak. But in "Return of the Cuckoo" Kwan Hou was just like being herself. While shooting "Country Spirit" she realised she was able to get into character as Sun Fung. "I am very lucky that all the series I had accepted to fim had good storylines. Especially [War and Beauty], I had a lot of fun. The scenes consisted mainly of inner emotions". She did her best to act in those scenes. While the paparazzi's were reporting which cast members didn't get along. "[War and Beauty] I don't remember much about that now. Do you have anything else to talk about? Why would you not get along with so many people? These things I have no control over and I will not care. I am already controlling things I have control over which is to portray my roles well. Also how to enjoy my time when I am filming and making others around me feel comfortable. I will not handle anything regarding TV ratings or any news reports".

High Definition

TVB have already entered the High Definition TV century. Charmaine says "Yes it's quite scary. There are advantages and disadvantages. The whole picture looks 3D and more clearer. It looks more beautiful but the lighting technician has a very important role in this. If you have pimples they will appear clearly on the screen. I don't really take care of that, but I will do facials. It's very important to have enough rest. But you will not have enough time to rest while filming. Sometimes when I take off my makeup, I will put on a face mask.

Mag scans by: Kwan5170 from
Translation: Matchbox @

Raymond: Animation songs music show recording

Raymond Lam

A group of singers including Raymond Lam, Vincy Chan, Sherman Chung, Angela Tong, Hins Cheung and Stepanie Cheng were in cartoon character costumes for the recording of TVB’s “Animation songs music show” held the day before yesterday (22nd). Leo Ku and William Chan were the hosts. Leo was not afraid of those rumours of appearing in shows to swap for awards, he appeared as the TVB’s children ambassador.

Vincy Chan dressed up as Astro Boy, Pakho Chau dressed up as classmate Falun (Kazuhiko Hanawa from Chibi Maruko-chan), Raymond Lam revealed he watches the animations “Naruto” and “Fullmetal Alchemist” every week.

During the show, Raymond also sang the song “Legend” from the animation “Queen Millennia / 1000 year queen)”.

Source: Wenweipo / Takungpao

Myolie Being Teased By Stephen Chan

Myolie Wu

Stephen Chan promoted the launch of the cell-phone version of his new book, Stephen's Star Kitchen, and invited the rumored couples in the entertainment circle to support him. The guests included Moses Chan, Bernice Liu, Patrick Tang and Selena Li, and the different rumored couples were being teased by him from time to time. Natalie Tong, Angela Tong and Leo Ku, whom were without their other-half present, became his targets too. At the sampling session at the live scene, Stephen Chan said, "Myolie Wu's appetite is quite good recently, because she had just gone for a holiday with Bosco Wong! Leo Ku said that he wanted to leave the food for supper, is he leaving it for Lorraine?" Myolie Wu could only laugh, and did not know what to reply.

Stephen Chan's new book, Stephen Chan's First-choice Eateries, launched the cell-phone version. Not long ago, he held a promotional event, and invited many TVB artistes to attend. This event was being hosted by Angela Tong.
When Angela was the MC, Stephen Chan criticized her in front of the other guests that her translations were too short and she did not how to respond readily. He even joked about her rumor with Chin Ka Lok. Angela could only laugh to cover up her embarrassment, and had no chance of retaliation. Myolie Wu, whom also attended the event, was being teased as well. Stephen Chen joked, "Just now, Myolie said that she's very hungry. Recently, her appetite's good, because she went for a holiday with Bosco Wong."

Credits: tp pyscho 085 @ http:///

Leila is laughed at for being silly

Kenneth Chan

When Leila went for the recording of Kenneth Chan’s programme on i-Cable, she expressed that she does not go for petty advantages. However, Kenneth Chan laughed at her for being silly.

Leila attended the show that Kenneth Chan hosted recently. When everyone was discussing the traps about ’signing up for credit cards to take freebies’, Leila expressed that she is not interested in the “advantages” that credit cards provide and has never taken the freebies given when using credit cards. Thus Kenneth Chan laughed at her for being silly.

Source: MingPao

Elanne Kong breaks into Korean Music Industry

Elanne Kong

Elanne Kong recently made an entrance into the Korean Music Industry, besides participating in the 3rd annual Korean Film Festival, she also discusses with popular Korean boyband FT Island for their upcoming group song. Having the opportunity to sing with 5 handsome young men and break into the Korean market, Elanne was extremely happy and excited. This time she will be singing a English song "Always Be Mine" with the group FT Island. In order to avoid embarrassment, in the past few days Elanne has been constantly practicing the song, even the Staff working with her got tired of her!

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Joe Cheng reveals best friend Ethan Ruan was being mesmerized by Chen Qiao En

joe cheng taiwan actor

Previously, Taiwanese popular idols Zheng Yuan Chang, Mike He, Chen Qiao En have made an appearance at Shanghai Century Park, attending for an event called “Meeting up with Best Friends, Trying Out Interesting Obstacles” that was organized by Kang Shi Fu Green Tea. When talking about Taiwanese idol series “Main Leading Female” Chen Qiao En, Zheng Yuan Chang reveals that his best friend Ethan Ruan was ‘mesmerized” by her, [Xiao Tian said Qiao En has a great body.]

After experiencing in the stage play performance, Zheng Yuan Chang used “learning has no limits” to describe himself in the entertainment industry: [Actor should try out all kinds of different performances. I have a lot of passion in my work, as long as it is something new then I’m glad to give it a try, hopefully I would get to improve more from this opportunity, after all learning has no limits.] He also expressed that he is still willing to take part in stage play performances, [I want to become an actor who could sing and dance on the stage.] When talking about his working partner Chen Qiao En, Zheng Yuan Chang reveals that his best friend Ethan Ruan was once memorized by Chen Qiao En, [Before I get to meet her, I heard from Xiao Tian (Ethan Ruan) when he talked about her, Xiao Tian said Qiao En has a great body.]

Another leading male Mike He, no long ago he was working on a movie [Future X-Cops] with Andy Lau. Mike He stated that able to work with his idol was ‘something that is hard to believe’, [Felt so unreal but very happy. Facing him will make me very nervous and excited. During the filming, the way Andy Lau dominating the entire set has made a very big impression on me. Because during those times I have given myself too many pressures so I don’t really dare to talk to him.]

Source :
translated by Kassy @

David Tao’s new album was leaked, causes millions worth of loss.

david tao taiwan singer

Due to the recent typhoon disaster, the release date of David Tao’s new album was disrupted. In respect to the typhoon victims, the original plan to release his new album on the 15th of this month has been postponed for two weeks. David has rushed around the two coasts to help raise funds for the disaster victims as he himself was unable to bear to see what had happened to the victims’ household. However, his new album has been leaked ahead of the release date. At the Mainland China website < All Revealed>, fans have resisted to download the album illegally. After the recent ups and downs, the release date has been brought forward to the 21st. Nevertheless, this GMA winner was estimated to have an initial loss of over millions.

Last night, David was invited to participate in the Hong Kong programme, , singing to show his support in the activities for the disaster victims. David, who had spent three years of his hard work in producing this album, felt really sad and wounded when all of his 14 new songs were available for download from the internet. He wrote on his twitter site: “This is the first time this kind of thing has happened, I don’t understand why there are such evil-hearted people, who do not respect and understand the law of property rights.” He also did not forget to thank his fans for their support and their initiative to resist in listening and downloading his album illegally.

After the show, David announced that the release date of his new album will be postponed which will affect more than 20 of his album promotion activities in the hope that he will be able to use the time available to give his best effort for the disaster victim. On the 11th, he wrote on his twitter site to his fans: “You guys might have known that the release date of my new album has been postponed and this has nothing to do with the production. We hope that we can use all the time and energy to our friends in the disaster area.”

However, to prevent more loss, the GMA winner has brought forward the releases date of his new album to the 21st. He is also going to take legal action against the illegal copies of his album on the websites.

Source :
translated by : madelinepoh @

Fahrenheit's fans donate 3.5tonnes' worth of relief items

fahreneheit taiwan band

The passing of Typhoon Morakot is inarguably one of the worst disasters to hit Taiwan in the past 50 years. Celebrities from all over Asia including Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China are actively rallying the public for more donations to aid the suffering victims.

Taiwanese pop idol group, Fahrenheit, earnestly appealed to their fans for help and donations when they got wind of the devastating news. Inspired by their appeals, their appeals for help were met with an overwhelming response from their fans. Their generous donations were enough to fill three large lorries, with as much as 3.5tonnes of relief items donated over a course of just five days.

In response to the active donations made by their fans, band member Aaron Yan expressed, "There are many overseas fans who are unable to donate relief-items. They have been leaving messages on discussion boards in hopes that the company can help them with it. Actually, everyone can make donations to the Red Cross foundation or the World Vision organization."

Apart from taking time off to participate in the televised fundraiser event, the four-member group each bought 50 boxes of daily necessities for the affected Taiwanese citizens. The group also decided to donate the profits made from their Taipei concert to the relief fund.

"This fundraising activity has really touched me. I hope everyone can continue to make donations and help successfully rebuild the lives of these victims," said Jiro Wang. In appreciation for their fan's unyielding support, Fahrenheit promised to present fans with an exciting and spectacular concert for their Nanjing concert in the Olympic stadium on September 5.

Source : Yahoo!Singapore,

Tavia Yeung works with Raymond Lam as a couple again

tavia yeung hong kong girl

Kenneth Ma, Tavia Yeung and Raymond Lam attended the blessing ceremony for up coming new TV series "Shall We State The Case" yesterday. Raymond and Tavia will play the role as a couple again following "Golden Faith" and "Twin of Brothers". Tavia revealed that the two has worked well together, but this time the feeling is different as Raymond has matured a lot. He doesn't look like a kid anymore. Tavia was teased by the reporter if she is worried about rumors. Tavia smiled saying that it would be inevitable, whether it spreads out successfully is another matter. Tavia went on to say that she is immune with rumors. Raymond thanked Tavia for her remarks, in return, he also said Tavia is very feminine and she is getting more and more beautiful too.

Raymond was late for the blessing ceremony yesterday, he disclosed that he has gastroenteritis and has been having diarrhoea. "I am not sure if I had eaten out of date food at home. I started having diarrhea yesterday and throughout the night too. I was feeling really unwell last night in the fund raising activity. I went to see the doctor and had an injection this morning. We have a celebration dinner tonight, it is a shame that I can't eat as much as I want."

Tavia revealed that Kenneth wanted the media to create a rumor for them as on screen couple. She asked Kenneth if he is worried about his girlfriend Nancy Wu. Kenneth said he preferred to have Tavia as his rumored girlfriend; the two was seen sharing fruits together. Tavia told reporter afterwards "You think Kenneth prefers me as his girlfriend, can't you see he said it with the orange covering his heart?"

Translation: R.E.D @

Jade Kwan may have to postpone her wedding

jade kwan tvb actress

October bride Jade Kwan accepted an interview by a radio station yesterday. She was giving out wedding cake vouchers too. There were rumors that she and Nikki Chow do not get along, but Jade said that she will give Nikki the wedding cake voucher and will invite Nikki for her wedding party held in Hong Kong in November. Jade revealed that she has three shows in September, after that she will have two weeks to organize her wedding which is planned for the 3rd or 4th Sunday in October in Bali. Ten of her relatives hasn't been able to book their return flight yet, she may have to postpone the wedding if they can't get their flight tickets. Jade has ordered her wedding dress online and she will be wearing the traditional chinese wedding gown too. She told reporter "I may regret it if I don't wear the chinese wedding gown. My mother and mother-in-law will not be wearing the chinese costume. (How about your husband?) he won't be wearing the chinese wedding costume either. I am hoping my guests will be in swim wear, there is no need to be formal."

Jade disclosed that they will not go for honeymoon straight after the wedding because it would be too cold in Paris. The honeymoon will be delayed till next spring. Jade is organizing a party in November in Hong Kong and will be inviting many singers including Miriam Yeung, Gigi Leung, Theresa Fu, Vincy Chan and Wong Cho Lam etc.

Source: Wenweipo/
Translator: R.E.D @

Miriam Yeung has confidence in herself

miriam yeung hong kong actress

Miriam Yeung was wearing a low cut purple evening gown in "Summer pop live HK" the other night. When she sang "Mr.Right" there were couples in wedding costume dancing on stage, expressing her feelings of waiting for her Mr.Right. Miriam told reporter she has to thank the company who had created that theme for her. Miriam said "It costs money to hire the wedding gown, I thank everyone for their concern." Miriam went on to say that she was working on a music video the other day, she was told she would be the chauffeur, but when she got there, she saw so many people in wedding gowns, just like a wedding dress exhibition.

The reporter asked Miriam if she is under pressure to get married, she smiled and say no, "In fact, the pressure is on Mr. Lai (Leon) as I had to introduce him to the show, it is not me." The reporter went on to ask if she has found her Mr. right ? Miriam said the Mr. right in her song refers to her happiness, not a person. At the moment, the only thing she is happy about is for the property market to go up. Asked if Real Ding is her Mr. Right? Miriam said she doesn't know, there is no guarantee, she can only guarantee for herself that she is in good health as she has problem with her vocal cord, and finding it slow to recover.

The reporter went on to ask if Real is worried about her? Miriam said her parents are worried about her due to the fact that her voice box has been taken a long time to recover. Eason Chan had recommended her for acupuncture, she had that for 10 days. Talking about the rumor of Eason and Kay Tse, Miriam said she it is none of her business. The reporter reminded her that the rumor says Eason and Kay always chat in MSN, Miriam replied "How do you find out? Is there a ghost around?" Miriam said she is an Ox in the Chinese Zodiac, she will have a lot of problems this year, her health is affected too, it is better that she doesn't talk too much."

Source: Takungpao
Translator: R.E.D @

Raymond Lam performed in Vietnam with 10 local models as backing group

raymond lam hong kong actor

Raymond Lam was in Vietnam performing a mini concert with a full house of 5000 seats. He is the only Hong Kong singer to have performed in Vietnam after Leon Lai 15 years ago. The stage decoration and the lighting were exactly the same as the one in Hong Kong with seats on either side of the stage, making him feel like home.

However, this concert had not got the "Wet" theme, but Raymond had organized 10 local models as the backing singers. Raymond even sang "Remember to forget" with his fans who can only speak Vietnamese and English, but they had learned the song in Cantonese specially for him. Raymond was very happy and was touched.

After the concert, Raymond had an autograph session which attracted over 200 fans who went crazy over him. They surrounded him and followed his around, some even followed him back to the hotel afterwards. There were fans from Singapore and Malaysia and they flew all the way to Vietnam to support him as well as giving him some souvenirs.

Talking about Raymond being the only one from Hong Kong to perform a concert in Vietnam after 15 years, He was very excited and expressed that he is very fortunate having to opportunity to perform there as he hasn't been to Vietnam before. At first, he was worried about not many people would turn up, but when he stood on the stage and saw all seats were occupied, he was very excited. Raymond hopes he will come again. Speaking about the landslides in Taiwan, he was worried about the local fans there. Some of his fans have already told him they were safe through the internet and Raymond himself also donated some money for that.

Source: Takunpao/Wenweipo/MingPao(image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Linda Chung supports Wong He, he's good to communicate with

linda chung hong kong actress

Wong He often gets rumors with his other co-stars during filming, yesterday Linda Chung voiced out her support that he is sincere, hard working, competent and expressed that they discuss with each other, she does not feel that Wong He is annoying.

Yesterday Linda and Wong He were filming for their new series "Cross Boundary Exploration", Linda opened up and voiced out her support for Wong He, she said: "Changing the script, many people would do that. Sometimes changing just a little bit, I don't feel it's a problem otherwise we'll all be like robots. Our collaboration this time includes many discussions. He's always rumored to not get along with his co-stars, I feel bad for him. He is a very good person."

Wong He has not been affected by the negative news. Yesterday he was filming for a car explosion scene where he saves someone under the hot weather. Although the car was just as hot as the fire because the sun had been shining on it, but he still continue to bear with it to shoot the scene. During filming, there was the fake blood rolling into his eyes, but he still continued with it without complaints. Also part of the scene, Kingdom Yuen said: "Look at me, I invited you to have some ice cream to cool it off, don't you think it's nice?"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Ron Ng and Joyce Cheng not embarrassed being hand in hand

ron ng hong kong actor

"Artistes 88 Fund Raising Campaign" - one event, hundred responses, many artistes spares efforts for charity. Once stirring up much gossip from "Princess kisses Prince", Joyce Cheng and Ron Ng; Fighting to become First Sister Elanne Kong and Rain Lee, last night they all attended the disaster relief event and laid down all the "hate". They generously held hands and group sang the theme song together. Ron expressed that he has seen the related news about Taiwan's flood breaking families apart, he felt extremely sad for them. It would be appealing for fans to contribute to the relief as well.

Also, earlier Shirley Yeung participated in "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" and won HKD30,000 prize money, she decided to donate all of her prize money to the disaster relief. She said: "Don't talk about the amount earned, I saw the news about this and saw that the victims are indeed pitiful, this can be considered their lucky money, use it to help the victims get through this difficult time." As for the prize, she gave it to her older brother, she explained: "Because the majority of the coupons are for children, my brother just had a baby, perfect for him."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Fala Chen - Has Never Concealed Herself

fala chen hong kong girl

Fala Chen is first runner-up for Miss Chinese International 2005. After entering the entertainment business to become an artiste, she has had many rumours, and she was once labeled as "hau jing" by the media. It wasn't until last year's "Moonlight Resonance" that she played the mute role of Ah Hing that the audience have started to accept her, and her "goon jung yuen" have increased. "There are many things that require you to slowly to understand.

There are many of these things in life that are like this. In the beginning, there are many things and many people that can easily be deceived by, but people can be deceived for a long time. As time grows, other people will see the clear picture. I am the same person in front and behind the camera, I will not conceal it. I cannot stop the media from writing about me. In order for the audience to change their views about me, they can listen to my interviews, go to my blog, or meet me in person". The entertainment circle is a game, and although Fala understands the rules, she still reminances her past lifestyle. "I frequently reminance the past because before entering the business, it was very happy going to school. All I thought about was getting enrolled in a good school, and later I would think about working for a big company, and earning a lot of money those sorts of dreams. It was simple and happy. I have never imagined the lifestyle that I have now. I am still processing it. There are new things everyday, and that includes success and pressure. However, [being an artiste] does not have the full of dream kind of feeling when I was in school where I would fascinate about future".

Happy about Love Life

After entering the business for five years, Fala has had many opportunites, and she has filmed over ten TV series. Recently, she had taken on the role of "Laughing So" in "Turning Point". She laughs, "When I was discussing about this character with the company, and meeting with the director, I didn't know that there was so many competitors [for the role], and I wasn't thinking about competing for the role. It wasn't until I was confirmed to play the role that I knew that so many people wanted it. I felt very sudden and shocked. I will cherish this opportunity, and do my best. I will do the same for filming series and filming movies, I will try my best to work at the crew's pace because movie film are expensive, so it does not allow much time for me to think about my wrongs. After filming this movie, I would like to have more opportunities to continue and film movies because one [movie] is not enough to fulfill the feeling of acting".

Other than work, Fala's love life is stable. Although she has never admitted her relationship with Sit Sai Hang (Neway karaoke owner's son), but when asked about her love life, she smiled sweetly, and said, "I'm happy about my love life. Actually, I am very fortunate because the people I have encountered are very good guys, and I've never been deceived before. The filming of sad, painful, and bothered love life in series, have never happened to me in reality. They are all happy. To be loved is a very fortunate and happy thing". Earlier, Fala went scuba diving in Hawaii for a week and got a tan after the filming of "Legend of Pu Song Ling". "I haven't seen my parents for a long. I had holidays, so I went back to the states and visited them. I also went scuba diving to get charged up".

Credits: hyn5 @

Steven Ma & Fala Chen Filming in Sam Shui Poo

steven ma hong kong actor

Steven Ma and Fala Chen were filming a late night dating scene for "Transferred Connection of Temptation"in Sam Shui Poo. In order to create a romantic effect, the director had arranged to use man-made rain, and it had attracted mosquitoes to the scene. Steven and Fala quickly became dinner for the mosquitoes. Their arms and thighs were red from the mosquito bites. Although they were spraying bug spray on non-stop and rubbing on ointment, it wasn't enough stop the itchiness. As the water vehicle was making false rain, it started to rain. The scene was finally completed after a couple hours of feeding to the mosquitoes. Steven said, "Luckily we have such a big crew to take care of us. I hope that the series will film smootly. We are not afraid of hard work because facing a beauty like younger sister (Fala) can be considered as happiness found in pain (苦中有樂)".

Credits: hyn5 @

Sonija Kwok feels looking after the baby and being a mother is great

sonija kwok hong kong actress

The cast of TVB series "D.I.E. Again" included Sonija kwok, Roger Kwok, Nancy wu and Jeanette Leung were at a shopping mall yesterday for the promotion activity "Who is the killer". The cast introduced their role in the new series and they also played games with the audience. The first game was the balloon game, one has to blow the balloon up and whoever bursted the balloon first won the game. Sonija saw all the artists were full of enthusiasm, she was so scared that she stepped back from the stage and Roger was only watching the game. After that the cast was hitting each other using plastic toy hammer. Stephen Huynh was getting so excited that he put a sticker on Rain Lau's chest. Rain was hit by the toy hammer, causing her left ear to bleed.

Roger revealed that he has confidence in viewers rating in this series. Roger commented "The first episode of the series was scheduled for tonight, but due to the "Artistes 88 Fund Raising Campaign", it will be aired on Tuesday. I hope this series gets a lot of publicity and the casts will also appear in the fund raising activity to appeal for people to donate." 

As one of the leading ladies in the series, Sonija revealed that she had to work with the baby a lot and she found it very challenging. She stated "The baby cries a lot and we can't work on longer period with the baby either. I worked with three different babies in the series, but the filming process was great, I enjoyed it. (Did you feel all maternal after filming?) Yes, I did. I have learned to be patient, and I feel being a mother is great. The baby was heavy, my arm ached after holding it for a while and now my arms are very muscular. I don't intent to have a baby yet, I can't rush since I am still single. I will let nature takes its course."

Source: Wenweipo/Takungpao/MingPao(image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Bosco Wong will save money to get married

bosco wong tvb actor

Bosco Wong entered the entertainment industry in the year 2000 and it's already 9 years. He has mainly focused on acting. Since debuing in TVB series "At the Threshold of An Era" and "The Awakening Story" . He played minor roles such as a body guard and male gigolo, leading to become one of TVB's popular Siu Sangs of today. In 2005 he was awarded "Most Improved Actor Award" for his performance in "War of In-Laws".

Recently his role in "Burning Flame III" is quite major. You cannot under estimate his willpower and he has certainly established good results in his career to date. Last year he entered the music industry and released an album. (Will he use Raymond Lam as his target?) He said "I do not dare to think that I will have my own concert because I am not ready for it. I remember when Ms Lok asked me to audition for singing and I thought she was just joking. To be able to become a professional singer and release my own album, I thought I was dreaming all along. I wouldn't dare to think about having my own concert yet. I will work hard on my next album".

Hopes to develop his movie career

As for his future direction, Bosco hopes to have a breakthrough in the movie industry. He said "Although I have filmed movies before, I have rarely been involved. I would like to see if I have more opportunties. I don't mind playing any type of roles. No matter if it's evil or ugly I really don't mind. As long as it can make me shine". When discussing about being a singer and movies, Bosco appeared to be trembling with fear. However when talking about his main talent, acting he talked on and on. "I put a lot of effort in my performance in "Burning Flame III". It was really hard work. The weather was hot and humid. I performed many dangerous stunts myself. Although it was tiring I hope people noticed my efforts".

You can say that Bosco has targets in his working career and is very hard working. But when discussing his love life, he immediately appeared like a soft skinned snake. His answers would always be "leave it to fate", "Deal with it later", "I haven't thought about it that much" etc. When mentioning his mysterious relationship with Myolie Wu that seemed real, he said "We have never dated before. I don't understand why they would say we have broken up. But this is written by the media. I am used to it now and I won't have a big reaction. I won't feel unhappy. Yet I cannot control it". (Has he thought about when he will get married?) "I really haven't thought about this. When I was young I have considered whether I will marry the girl I was dating. But as I got older I started to not think about marriage, I think communication is most important. I have yet to find a suitable partner. I will deal with that later. I have to save money for a while. I have to earn a 7 digit amount before I even consider to get married".

Bosco has been in the industry for many years and although he has given specific answers related to his love life. There are still cracks in his responses. When the reporter asked him how many times he has dated while in the industry, he originally wanted to answer but had to rethink. He replied "hmmm....after entering the industry...hmmm..this's really hard to answer". His answer clearly shows that there is something more to it.

Source: The Sun
Translated by: matchbox @

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Talks of Stephen Chow's retirement dispelled

stephen chow

Following the resignation of many close partners and friends from his company, the exclusive spokesperson for Stephen Chow, Wei Dasen, announced his coming resignation a few days ago. As Chow recently rejected the opportunity to direct and act in the Hollywood production of The Green Hornet, talk is that the famous comedian might be retiring soon to concentrate on his property business.

As Chow's spokesperson, Wei made an official press announcement a few days ago that his resignation will take effect from 15 August onwards. Wei also stated that he will concentrate on building up his new career. The recent departure of his many close partners sparked off rumours of Chow's retirement plans.

As he is still Chow's spokesperson, Wei stepped forth and dispelled the rumours, "Everyone please do not worry. Stephen will not change careers and is currently discussing about an animated film for CJ7 with other companies. This can also be considered as one of his future work plans. Stephen is also currently in America discussing about some movies. How can he be retiring or changing professions?"

Wei continued to reveal that the Chinese star has been busy with his booming property business. Apart from retirement speculations, the media also reported that Chow's partners have left the company due to various disputes at work. However, these partners have started to step out and defend Chow. They explained that Chow have been continuously encouraging them to take up and try out for other good projects.

Tian Qiwen, one of Chow's ex-working partner said that it is not Chow's style to film a movie just because he wanted to produce one. Chow is said to produce his work based on his own inspirations and will not make do with anything lesser. Apart from Tian, Danny Chan also spoke up, "Everyone is merely leaving Chow's company. There are no dispute or unhappiness. I have been brainstorming with Chow for some new movie ideas. If there is a good script, I will definitely want to work together with him again."

Vic Zhou hopes Da S will find true love

vic chou

According to Hong Kong media reports, Vic Zhou (Zai Zai) has recently been appointed as the Hong Kong ambassador for the United Nations’ Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Earlier when he attended an event in Hong Kong, he revealed that he hopes his old love Da S will find true love as soon as possible, at the same time he also denied rumours of Fan Bing Bing ‘electrifying’ him.

Zai Zai will give his full support for the upcoming charity event, organised by UNICEF to help fund-raise for the victims from the Si Chuan earthquake. He expressed that if he has the opportunity in the future, he will personally go and visit the local children.

Zai Zai, who loves children, previously pledged that he would get married and have children at 25. Now he’s realized that that’s unrealistic. He, who is already 28 still remains single, and he sighed saying that this is all up to fate. He said: “My family isn’t rushing me, because my older brother already has a child. At the moment, I wish to concentrate on my work, everything else depends on fate.” Does he have an ideal girlfriend in mind? “My other half cannot rely on her appearance alone, the interactions between us is what’s most important.”

Since he broke up with Da S, both their love lives have often been the media’s focus. He said: “Rumours will affect my work, if because of rumours we have to maintain our distance from each other, then that’s a shame.” Regarding the rumours of Fan Bing Bing ‘electrifying’ him during filming, Zai Zai said: “No, her eyes are so big, she electrifies anything she looks at! Actually, I quite admire her, she’s still so young but has already achieved so much.”

Other than this, he also sparked rumours with his co-star Ivy Chen in ‘Black & White’, but he stressed that they are only friends.

Although his own love life hasn’t landed, Zai Zai is still concerned about his old love Da S’s situation. Ever since the 2 broke up, Da S has sparked rumours with Peter Ho & Louis Koo. Zai Zai revealed that he hopes she will find her other half soon, and will definitely be happy for her: “She’s already an adult, knows how to choose, as long as she feels that that person is good for her, then that’s fine.”

Source: Epoch Times
Translation: Sarah @

Jerry Yan Cheng Xu Donated NT3.43 Million

jerry yan

Yesterday Jerry Yan Cheng Xu had meet sessions in Osaka and sang the Japanese version of I Will Love You Very Much.

For the cartoon figure doll on Yan Cheng Xu's palm, 1000 pieces will be available for sale for raising contribution.

Jerry Yan Cheng Xu had 2 meet sessions in Osaka (Japan) yesterday, but he thinks about the victims in Taiwan the whole time, so he didn't just donate NT 1 million during the live phone link-up with the charity show, Want To Have A Home, he also called for more contribution at the meet sessions as well. During his meet sessions with fans, he even led 3000 fans shouting, "Go, Taiwan! Go!" Furthermore, his fans from all over the world have donated NT415,000 so far. Including the NT2 millions from the sales of the 1000 limited edition cute figure dolls, because of Jerry, totally NT3.415 millions would be donated to the victims this time.

Live Phone Link-up From Overseas

Yan Cheng Xu is very low profiled in private and he usually maintains anonymous when making contributions to the charity . However, after watching the vicitims' suffering on tv this time, he felt very sad, and decided to come out and to call for people to give out money if they have money, and to provide assistance if they have resources, "Although I am not in Taiwan at this time, I want to give my share" During his meet session in Osaka at around 6pm, he also scheduled a time to have live phone link-up with the charity show, Want To Have A Home, coordinated by Sanli TV and this newspaper in Taiwan, and donated NT 1 million in the show. At the venue of his Japanese meet sessions, contribution box was set up for donation, and this brought special meaning to his yearly meet sessions. He said, "Hope to bring in more contribution with this."

1000 Limited Edition Dolls For Sale

Jerry's fans have a slogon, Love Yan Cheng Xu The Most, Spread The Love Outward. It doesn't matter where is the disaster, they will make contribution with Jerry's name. Like this time, up to now, his fans have donated a total of NT 415,000 by (NT 100,000), (NT 100,000), and (NT 215,000). In addition, Jerry's official website will respond to the call for contribution as well, and it will provide 1000 limited edition, cartoon figure Jerry dolls for fans to purchase with the price of 10,000 yen (about NT 3461) for each. Each doll will come with a thank you card with Jerry's autograph. After excluding the cost, it is estimated that a total of NT 2 millions can be donated. Purchase details will be posted on Jerry's official website.

A Sick Child Worries About Flooding At Idol's Home

Yesterday afternoon, the meet session was held in Osaka. Long before it was started, a lot of fans had queued up in the sun holding an umbrella. Among all, the most touching one is a 12-year-old female fan, Xi Shi, who has motor neurone disease which is close to what Guan Ying's character had in Starlit. She started learning Chinese because of Jerry. Although she can't breathe by herself or talk, she operates the computer with her physically restricted left hand. She worries about the situation in Taiwan and concerns that there is flooding at Jerry's home. She hopes that Jerry can "come to Japan all the time".

Yesterday, Jerry sang the Japanese version of I Will Love You Very Much to start the meet session, and it brought out a lot of screams by fans. One female fan even expressed her love on spot and asked him, "Will you marry a foreigner?" He answered, "It's possible. I can even learn language from another country." The female fan volunteered immediately and he replied with a sweet, big smile saying, "Nice to meet you!" Of course, this made fans' hearts pounding.

Joe Chen Qiao En kiss Blue Lan Zheng Long passionately and shout

blue lan

In TTV, Sanlih Idol drama, ‘Easy Fortune Happy Life’, Chen Qiao En don a sexy nightgown to seduce Blue Lan Zheng Long. Both of them was hugging and kissing passionately on the bed. Blue Lan said: ‘Chen Qiao En appeared to be a bit nervous, but our chemistry was good and after two three takes it was OK.’ Had she ever wore a sexy nightgown to lure her boyfriend? Chen Qiao En said: ‘No, My sexy nightgown is only worn during acting.’

In the drama, Chen Qiao En first wore a red overcoat, then remove the coat, and reveal her sexy nightgown, unfolding her figure before one eyes, and then gazed at Blue Lan Zheng Long with an infinite deep love and express her love, Chen Qiao En shoke her head and said: ‘Oh my God, this is not the usual me’.

This is another challenge for Chen Qiao En after the drama: ’Fated to Love You’. She said with her face reddened: ‘Females who act such scenes, will be shy!’ After the scene was filmed, Chen Qiao En was ‘back to normal’, and make an uproar to use the wine bottle to ‘K’ Blue Lan, and became another person, and this amuse everyone to laugh.

Source: UDN
Translation: Ocean168 @

Jet Li helps Taiwan typhoon relief

jet li

CHISHAN—Chinese action star Jet Li unloaded relief supplies and comforted typhoon survivors Saturday as Taiwan struggled to cope with floods and landslides that may have left up to 500 dead.

Wearing a Red Cross baseball cap, the film hero helped unload boxes of food from trucks. He appealed for patience with government relief efforts, which have faced criticism for being slow and inadequate.

"It will get better. Everybody is working very hard. We should have more understanding and give more encouragement," Li told reporters in a shelter in hard-hit southern Kaohsiung county.

Li, a World Health Organization goodwill ambassador, clapped in time as as survivors sang traditional aboriginal songs.

Li and Hong Kong star Andy Lau joined other celebrities in answering phones on Friday night as two televised fundraisers brought in more than 1.1 billion Taiwan dollars (33 million US dollars) to aid typhoon victims.

Anger has been mounting over the government's apparent bungled response to the disaster, with critics saying it was late in seeing the magnitude of the emergency.

The powerful typhoon lashed the island for three days, triggering what the government says were its worst ever floods.

President Ma Ying-jeou warned the island-wide death toll of more than 120 would likely rise to more than 500 as fears mounted for those missing.


Cameron Diaz & Jay Chou collaborate on "The Green Hornet"

jay chou

According to Hong Kong media reports, the movie version of "The Green Hornet" which Stephen Chow resigned from starring and directing is going to start filming soon, rumoured to be playing the receptionist of The Green Hornet, played by Seth Rogen, Cameron Diaz a few days ago confirmed the news, she also expressed her excitement about working with director Michel Gondry. Cameron Diaz revealed she has met with Jay Chou and they get along well.

Recently Cameron Diaz met with Jay Chou, who is confirmed to be playing Kato, she and the rest of the crew are working hard to prepare for the work ahead, she said: "Seth and Michel Gondry are great, Jay Chou too! We get along well!" At the moment she is studying the old Casey character, she implied both the movie and the character will be new, the role will have a lot of scenes.

Source: Sina
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Myolie Wu went to Okinawa with Bosco Wong and friends

Myolie Wu

There were rumors that Myolie Wu and Bosco Wong went to Japan Okinawa for pre honeymoon holidays. Myolie is working on a series in Hengdian at the moment. Her assistant, spoke on her behalf told the media that Myolie had a few days off work. Originally, she was hoping to take a short break in Shanghai. It was a coincidence that Bosco and his friends were planning to go to Okinawa; since Myolie has never been there before, she decided to join them for a few days. Myolie has gone back to Hengdian to continue working and Myolie stressed that she and Bosco are just good friends.

Translator: R.E.D @

Macy Chan and Viven Yeo pretend to be friends

Macy Chan

Yesterday Macy Chan appeared at the same event with rumored love rival Vivien Yeo. Macy wore a low cut dress and successfully stole the spotlight away from Vivien who was covered up. The pair kindly took photos together. When the reporter asked Macy about her relationship with Eric Suen, she appeared to avoid it. She denied living with him but didn't deny their relationship. She said "He is a good guy". (He is a player?) "They write that in reports but he might not be like that in real life". (Do you have a chance to develop a relationship?) "Let's see what god arranges, let's just say I haven't been living with him". (You wore a low cut dress deliberately to steal your love rivals attention?) "What love rival? We are colleagues."

Viven said "My rumors with Eric are in the past. I would like to know if the new rumors are true". (Why are you not dressed sexy today?) "I normally do, but I want to take a rest from it".

Translated by: matchbox @