Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

Young and handsome Joe Cheng has a secret dream

joe cheng

With the TV series [The Rose], a tall figure and a pair of medium size eyes, Zheng Yuan Chang has become one the members in Taiwan's [Young and Handsome Male Artist]. After that [It Started With A Kiss] and [Love or Bread] have allowed Zheng Yuan Chang to secure his place as the main male artist in the idol series. Yesterday our newspaper's reporter has conducted an interview with this handsome guy who have come to Xi'an for performances, by just the sounds of his voice, I (reporter) was able to know what [sunshine] is all about.

Already famous during school days, it has nothing to do with his physical appearance
It was merely by chance that Zheng Yuan Chang has entered into the entertainment industry. After graduating from his high school, Zheng Yuan Chang doesn't want to rely on his family anymore so he has started off with his working life, after that through a friend’s introduction from his elder sister he has becomes a model, slowly heading towards his acting career. [Before this I have never ever think of becoming an actor. During school days I've thought of becoming a comic book artist and there's a time when I have a very deep impression of a teacher and I was hoping that next time I will become a teacher, to educate people.]

Zheng Yuan Chang is very much deserved to have the title [Young and Handsome Guy], of course we also cannot deny his handsome physical appearance either. But Zheng Yuan Chang says: [While I was still in school, I didn't even think that I am handsome, only know that I am quite tall; after I've become a model, the others will always be saying this (being handsome), so then only I realized that I am actually quite good looking.] Zheng Yuan Chang even reveals that he was already very popular during his school days, but it has nothing to do with his physical appearance, [During my school days I was very popular in the school, a lot of teachers and students know who I am, not because I am handsome, it's because I am very active in school activities, I am also the president, I would often organized gathering events or field trips, so everyone knows me and it is totally unrelated to my physical appearance.]

Not allowed his fans to waste their time by waiting for him at the front door of his house
Despite of his current job is far from different of what he was hoping to do, Zheng Yuan Chang is still able to find contentment in his work. He was able to take part in so many idol series which are the adaptations of his favorite manga, and also by influencing his fans through his behavior, quoting his words it's like influencing them under the "salutary influence of education” sort of way.

[Actually I think my current job is a little bit similar to teacher, because artists also need to give guidance and educate their fans through their behavior.] Zheng Yuan Chang is always well-loved by the students, majority of his fans are still very young, Zheng Yuan Chang uses his own experience to tell his fans that they should concentrate on their studies while they are still in school, [Last time during my school days, I don't like to study, a bit rebel, now I will use my own experience to tell them, actually they should concentrate hard on their studies while they are still in school, don't think about other things yet, because they could still do that (in the future) so there’s no need to rush, wait until you have finished your school first before you start to do anything else, if not next time you will regret it for sure, wasting all those times while you are still in school. And don’t forget there are a lot of people who want to study but don’t have the opportunity to do so.]

Previously when Zheng Yuan Chang arrived in Xi'an, his fans were there to welcome him in the airport, not only they were lining up in a very neat line, there’s no pushing and crowding either; they have also took the initiative to maintain the order of the crowd, as if they have been well-trained by the professionals. When Zheng Yuan Chang heard about his fans’ behavior from the reporters, he was very proud: [Usually I will interact with the fans through my official website, it's not like an artist telling the fans what they should or should not be doing, it's more like friends.] Zheng Yuan Chang is also very stern with his fans, [I won't allow them to wait for me outside of my house, if I noticed (them), then I will "tell them off" in very a very strict tone.] And that is why all his fans who have been with him throughout the years will know his behavior well and they will also remind the newly joined fans in the official website to respect the privacy of their idol.

After fulfilling his secret dream then he will retire
In [Design for Living], Zheng Yuan Chang played as a newcomer who has just joined the working class, other than the working experience that he has gained when he just finished his high school and as an artist, he is totally lacked of the experience of being a working class. [Before I entered into the entertainment industry I have worked in other jobs before, but I haven't experience any of those occupation cruelty, complexity conflicts between people and so on, but luckily in this stage play I played as a newcomer who has just joined the working class, happens to know nothing at all.]

Even thought he didn’t experience the complexity in the working class, the intense battle in the entertainment industry is not something that is very relaxing either. Entertainment industry tends to favor the new and forget about the old, today you are very famous but maybe the next day you have already becomes the past. Zheng Yuan Chang's pressure comes from his own expectations, [Actually every field will be the same, the unique aspect in the entertainment industry will be that in this field they are a lot of people behind and in front of the camera, the competition is huge and same with the pressure. But my pressure is mainly about whether I am progressing or not, able to have my own breakthrough or not, I won't be thinking about matters like the new taking over the old.] Being a model, acting in idol series and now working with such talented people like Sylvia Chang and Edward Lam in a stage play together, Zheng Yuan Chang is slowly achieving his targets of his acting career one step at a time --- to become a fully versatile artist, [That would be an artist venturing to the 3 fields of movies, TV series, music; now movies and singing are yet to be fulfilled, but they are already under planning stage.]

To become a fully versatile artist is Zheng Yuan Chang's target for his career but he still have one more secret dream, [At the moment is still not fulfilled yet, if I did then I will retired, but now I can't announce this dream yet.] A lot of artists will be saying that job as an actor will mean non-stop filming and having a jam packed schedule, makes them losing a lot of freedom and spaces, but Zheng Yuan Chang is very reasonable while dealing with this lost, and he has already found the balance between these 2 aspects, [Basically I will take a holiday in once every 2 years, I just had my holiday last year so this year and next year I will be telling myself that I will be very busy with my work. this is very reasonable and normal.]

After he has become strong then he will think about romantic relationship
Despite Zheng Yuan Chang has been going from one idol series after another and has been having one perfect romantic relationship after another with his female co-stars but in his real life, Zheng Yuan Chang's love life is still remain as empty.

Zheng Yuan Chang has been sharing numerous rumors with his co-star Lin Yi Chen, even their fans believe that they will make a good pair, hoping that they will become a real couple, while even Zheng Yuan Chang's father is also very interested in having Lin Yi Chen as his [Daughter-in-law], [During my parents’ generation, they will get married in a very early age, so they are also hoping that I will do the same, and they are just like the other normal parents, will be talking about it all the time.] But Zheng Yuan Chang, who was born in the 80s, is holding firm to his own believes [Marriage is a very personal thing], [I am not living with my parents, so they can say all they want, I won't follow their words either. I think that marriage is a very personal thing, it has to be slow and cannot be rushed.]

Zheng Yuan Chang says that, at the moment he is not strong enough to give happiness to his beloved, [I think that I have to wait until I am strong enough, then only I will consider about this matter. Strong as in whether I am matured enough, having a strong and thick shoulder for someone to rely on and financial sufficient to give a happy life to the opposition.]

Translated by: Kassy @

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