Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Wang Leehom brings hope back from Sierra Leone


TAIPEI, Taiwan -- When a disaster strikes, the "30 Hour Famine" program always responds swiftly and brings urgently needed food and supplies to children and families faced with a crisis.

Established by Christian relief organization World Vision, the program—aimed at raising funds and awareness of world hunger issues among the public through a voluntary hunger strike—will celebrates its 20th anniversary in Taiwan this August.

For this occasion, World Vision Taiwan recently invited acclaimed singer Wang Leehom — one of the most inspiring Asian Americans of all time according to the Goldsea Asian American Daily, and a longtime ambassador for the charity — to visit the Republic of Sierra Leone in West Africa and witness the improvement Taiwan's help had brought to people's livelihoods there.

So far this has been the farthest country from Taiwan he has ever been to. Wang went to a very remote district named Kono, where the movie "Blood Diamond" was shot.

Although his first impression of the country was based squarely on the movie — Sierra Leone is the lowest ranked country on the Human Development Index and the seventh lowest on the Human Poverty Index in the world, the pop star recalled that his view of the country has been totally changed after meeting the Sierra Leoneans.

It took him three days and two nights to reach the field, where he witnessed first hand signs of poverty just by looking at the people's homes, which are all made of mud and have no water or electricity.

"The people have been through very unusual experiences. Yet before I left, I saw hope," he told The China Post two days after returning from his trek to the tiny African nation.

Though Sierra Leone is still in a delicate situation, he pointed out that seven years after the civil war ended, people living in the program areas of World Vision show no hatred.

"The country became extremely underdeveloped because of war, but for those who survived the war, they are looking ahead in solidarity, regardless of the terrible things the rebels have done," Wang noted.

World Vision's work in Sierra Leone began in 1996 bringing immediate relief to those affected by civil war, especially children and amputees. In 2007, the relief organization launched Area Development Programs (ADPs) in Gorama and Gbane, supported by child sponsors in Taiwan.

"I've observed many World Vision programs, such as food-for-work, school feeding, child sponsorship, and 30 Hour Famine supported activities," he went on. "I was very proud to see thousands of children being sponsored by Taiwanese donors. People from a place so far away called Taiwan care for them!"

Even though most people cannot imagine how far and broad the impacts that a little contribution can make, he remarked how child sponsorship gives hope amid poverty.

"I appreciate World Vision's work very much. I'm addicted to child sponsorship," said the popular singer and actor who decided to sponsor ten children in Sierra Leone as a result of his trip, in addition to the ten kids he already sponsors in Laos, officially the Lao People's Democratic Republic.

"I remember meeting Kai Lebbie (36), an ex-combatant who was captured by rebels. He lost his left leg from stepping on a landmine during the war. A father of 5 children, he returned to his totally ruined village to rebuild his life.

"He is an amazing man. With only one leg, he can fix almost everything, including motorbikes and army tanks. He has a dream to open his own motor vehicle repair shop. With the assistance of microcredit, I hope his dream will come true," said Wang.

Throughout his journey in Kono District, the young Taiwanese-American also came face to face with the impacts of the global food crisis on poor communities.

"The rainy season is hungry season. People eat only plantains and cassavas for half a year," he said as he explained that farmers who grow crops during the rainy season must rely on food stocks from the previous harvest.

In these difficult times, children are often the first victims of social inequality as some parents are unable to afford to send them to school.

"On the roadsides we saw people digging for diamonds. They weren't big mines, so the chances of finding a real diamond are quite low. I saw a child dig out one tiny diamond the size of half a rice grain, which he could sell for maybe US$2," he recounted.

These children will continue in their struggles with hunger and lack of education without assistance, pointed out Wang, who described himself as a "tool" though which the public can better understand the needs of those countries.

"Wherever World Vision needs me, I will go there," he said, adding that he will join in the upcoming "30 Hour Famine Hero Rally" organized for August 15-16 at the Multipurpose Gymnasium in National Taiwan Sport University in Taipei City to share his experience with the public.

For 20 years, World Vision Taiwan has held the landmark event that will feature non-stop songs and activities.

The activity will also be a rare opportunity to empathize and learn about the many challenges faced by disadvantaged countries around the world, said Wang.

30 Hour Famine Hero Rally / August 15-16 (Sat.-Sun.) / Multipurpose Gymnasium at National Taiwan Sport University / (02) 2175-1996 /

Source: The China Post (

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