Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Ron Ng getting famous in Shanghai thanks to "Rosy Business"

ron ngron ng

Ron Ng was invited as guest of honor for the shop opening of Italy fashion "Asobio" in Shanghai the other day. After "Rosy Business", he is getting very "hot" in the mainland. When he arrived at the airport, over 50 fans were there to greet him and some fans shouted his nickname "Chiang Bi Chun" (stupid). He was laughing his head off.

Ron was wearing his face mask throughout his journey from Hong Kong to Shanghai due to the spreading of H1N1 which is getting quite serious there. He even brought with him some hand wash solution. After he has landed in Shanghai airport, local guards went inside the plane to take the passenger's body temperature. They dressed up like astronauts, Ron couldn't help laughing. Some passengers went up to the local guards to ask if they can take pictures with them. Reporter asked Ron about his fees for that event, Ron replied happily "Although there is a credit crunch, I am happy for my fees. I must thank "Rosy Business" for making me well known, I have more chances to earn money too. I hope the same cast will have a chance to work together again."

Source: Takungpao/MingPao(image)
Translator: R.E.D @ http://www.asianvn.com

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