Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Kate Tsui back in HK to recover dried skin from desert filming

kate tsui

Yesterday Kate Tsui was in Tsuen Wan Plaza for the Beautiful Cooking Water Special. Besides the 6 Food Angels, Sharon Chan, Kate Tsui and Elaine Yiu also attended. Wearing 4 inch heels, Kate performed her new song and a hot dance.

Kate expressed that in the future when she performs her new song, she will challenge herself wearing higher heels to dance. Kate promoted her first song, it was the sexy style, asked if she's going to create a sexy image to accommodate the song? She said: "I don't know yet, I will consider it." Recently she had been busy shooting for a Mainland film (錦衣衛), and she's been in the desert everyday making her skin dried. Now back in HK, she is quickly trying to make her skin smoother again because she will soon have to shoot an advertisement. Asked if she'll have any camera angles where she's brushing her teeth or eating ice cream? She laughed: "I don't think so, leave those to the younger people to do. (You're not that old!) No one will invite me to do that." Asked if she'll do a photo book? She smiled and said probably no one dares to ask her to do that either. Reporters said that Myolie Wu did a Ms. Hong Kong special earlier and appeared in a bikini. Kate said: "If they give the job to me then I'll think about it then."

Kate expressed that she knows that she can't 'fight' with the other female artists releasing books. Yesterday she was wearing a short shirt while dancing, she's not afraid to expose herself? She said: "No worries. I already did all the safety measures beforehand. (Are you a protection king?) I know some other celebrities are even more amazing than me." If "Beautiful Cooking" has any more episodes outside of the kitchen in the future, will she participate? Kate expressed that she will have to see if she has time and if she has to wear a bikini, will need to look at the requirements first.

Sharon Chan pairs with Joe Ma first time

Sharon Chan is currently busy rehearsing for a new stage drama, and will soon be starting a new series "Searching for Lost Love" with Flora Chan and Joe Ma. She said that she's very familiar with Joe and they had collaborated before, but first time as a couple. She felt that they are quite matching in height. She's not sure if there will be any intimate scenes yet. Asked if she is afraid of rumors? She said: "Nope. If there are rumors, it should have spread long ago, I am close with his wife. Even if there are intimate scenes, it won't be awkward, actually it be a good feeling."

Source: Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Ivana Wong visiting poor children in Vietnam

ivana wong

Ivana Wong was at the airport yesterday on the way to Vietnam with ORBIS. She will be there for five days visiting the remote villages. Ivana took with her a few dozen stationaries and furry toys for the local children. As this is Ivana's first time to Vietnam, the reporter asked if she will try the famous local Vietnam noodles? Ivana said she is going there to visit, not on holiday. Last year she went to India with ORBIS, but this time, the place where she is going is even more backward than India. Ivana told reporter she didn't have the travel vaccination before hand because her friend had bad side effects after the injection. However, as a precaution, she has taken some masks and disinfectant along.

Talking about Stephanie Cheng being indecently assaulted, Ivana stated that she didn't read the news in details, but she asked the reporter whether Stephanie had cried? She will contact Stephanie later on to comfort her. The reporter asked if she is worried about attending any activity from now on? Ivana said that there is no point for her to get worried, she just has to rely on the people around her to protect her. Ivana went on to say that she would do her best in any job, on the contrary, she is more worried about her friends who is there to protect her. Ivana made a remark about some artists wearing very revealing clothing, giving the bad guy a chance to take advantage. Ivana suggested it also goes with all the girls, not only the artists. She reckons if a girl wears too sexy, she may encourage a guy to misbehave. Ivana reminds people that they need to pay attention to personal safety, in particular, when one needs to cash money out from the cash machine, specially late at night, one needs to be very careful. When asked if she would dress less sexy from now on? Ivana said she will dress according to the function she is attending. Ivana was asked if she has learned self defense? At first, she reply no, but than she smiled, saying that going out with Hins would be her self-defense because Hins is learning Wing Chun at the moment.

Source: takungpao/Mingpao/(image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Janice Vidal gets an asthma attack in Malaysia; Mini concert canceled

janice vidal

A few days ago in Malaysia while Janice Vidal was doing promotions for her new album, she was affected by the bad local air quality and hot weather, leading to an asthma attack and fever. Janice was rushed to the nearby hospital immediately. Even her mini concert that was suppose to happen back in Hong Kong last night was cancelled, how unlucky! Yesterday afternoon, Janice's assistant accompanied her back to Hong Kong, she appeared quite weak, her family were very worried about her. Janice said that she wanted to go home sooner to rest. Two male assistants helped her walk away from Media at the HK Airport.

Janice arrived in Malaysia for a short period of 3 days before she had to go to the hospital. Her record company expressed that the local weather in Malaysia was too hot for her, also the recent mountain fire impacted the air quality, therefore Janice was also affected.

After treatment, the Doctor gave her an inhaler and her fever was gone, her blood pressure went back to normal. But Janice did not get enough rest, she still attended the "Astro New Singers Competition 2009". Health still weak, she had exaggerated steps as she walked on stage, almost falling over. Her assistants had to help her. The audience below the stage were shocked. Janice then sat aside to rest, as the Staff went over to help her leave the stage. Janice stayed for another 5 minutes before leaving the event.

Regarding her mini concert being cancelled, her record company expressed that they are looking after Janice's health and therefore decided to cancel it. The concert was already canceled the day before because of a strong storm, asked Janice if she's disappointed? She said: "We all don't want such things to happen, but I will have to wait for arrangements by my company. (Family worried?) They are worried, I also hope to get better soon. (How will you repay your Fans?) Actually I am very sorry, I wanted to go home. (How long will you be resting?) I'm not too sure, hopefully I can get better soon. Actually I am just waiting for arrangements by my company now."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Tavia Yeung is addicted into fighting scenes

tavia yeung

Tavia Yeung who portrayed someone that had to fight in order to protect Salt Trader Seng Shuet in “Sweetness In The Salt”, is involved in fighting scenes again in new series, “Iron Horse Seeking Bridge”. However, this time Tavia Yeung is involved in fighting scenes for the sake of Yuen Chao who is great in martial arts and is also her the first time taking part in TVB series. This is because Tavia Yeung is portraying the young version of Yuen Chao and there are a lot of fighting scenes in this series. However, Tavia expressed that she does not feel uneasy but feel energetic instead whenever she holds the wooden stick. Is that means that Tavia is addicted into fighting scenes?

Tavia Yeung is portraying the young version of Yuen Chao and has quite a number of fighting scenes inside. However, she expressed that she did not feel under pressured and she could handle it. Tavia said, “At first when I knew that I had to portray young version of Yuen Chao, I was wondering whether there would be a lot of fighting scenes or not. However later on after we started filming, I found out that there were not many fighting scenes as expected and I only appeared in 6 episodes so I still could handle it.” In the series, Tavia Yeung and Kevin Cheng who portrays two different roles are husband and wife. Both of them have collaborated twice and they have the well understanding amongst each other. Tavia said, “Before this I’ve collaborated with Kevin in Yummy Yummy and Beyond The Realm Of Conscience. Therefore we were already very close with each other.”

Source: TVB Magazine Issue 631
Magazine Scans: pui @
Credits: Jessie's Blog

Gillian Chung has lost a 7 figure sum for performing on stage

gillian chung

Gillian Chung (Ah Gill) Chen Shuyi and Siu Mei-Gwan were rehearsing for the stage musical "I Ought to be in Pictures" (星爸亞爸) yesterday. Ah Gill had a support visit from Chief Executive Officer of Emperor Wu Yu, Joey Yung and Kenny Kwan. Wu Yu had brought some coffee along and Joey gave her a handbag full of lemons whereas Kenny gave her a massage stick. Ah Gill tried to impress them by performing part of the play, but she wasn't familiar with her lines, needing constant reminding. Ah Gill revealed that the play is a comedy, she wanted people to laugh till their throat hurt. She even puts an extra line in local dialect, which she learned it from her 90 years old grandfather. It was a pity that he has cataract, and wouldn't be able to watch the play.

Ah Gill has been trying to memorize the lines, she is worried that she may repeat her them. She has put in so much effort for this play, even turned down some jobs offered to her as well as postponing some commercial work. It is estimated that she has lost a chance to earn 7 figure sum of money. Ah Gill told reporter "I'd rather perform well in this play, there will be 6 plays. If I forget my lines, that would be even worse than losing money. I don't want to think about it." Joey has been visiting Ah Gill to see the rehearsal a few times, she reckoned Ah Gill has improved a lot. Joey revealed that she envies Ah Gill who is able to perform on stage, she wanted to do it badly too.

Source: Wenweipo/MingPao/Takungpao(image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Niki Chow has support from fans all over the world

niki chow

Niki Chow was at the book fair yesterday for her stamp session. Apart from her local fans, some fans came from as far as Taiwan, Singapore and the US. Talking about the media report that her ex rumored boyfriend Kevin Cheng and Charmaine Sheh were followed by the paparazzi. Kevin got Charmaine out of the car, and than left her on the road. Niki said that has nothing to do with her. Reporter asked if she had experienced being dumped by the roadside? Niki said "Never, I won't chuck him out either. I hope no one will treat me like that, I don't want that type of guy."

The reporter made a remark that Niki has been watching Kevin in "Burning Flame III". Niki was embarrassed, saying "I am supporting the producer". She was asked if she only wants to watch Wong Hei, but not the others, Niki replied "No, don't push me, I didn't say that. (Are you giving your book to some old friends?) Buy it themsleves, after reading it they will find happiness." (Will you be giving Charmaine your book?) Niki reacted straight away "Wow, the book shop sells it, the book fair sells it too, and it isn't expensive." Talking about the book written by Stephy Tang has a lot of mistakes, Niki responded " My book was proof read and has been edited."

Source: MingPao/Takungpao/Wenweipo(image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Carol Cheng makes many speaking mistakes at "Mr. HK 2009"

carol cheng

In "Mr. Hong Kong 2009", Carol Cheng made so many mistakes and often said the wrong things. When she called out the Youth Group to go on stage, instead of saying "Joi Yat Chi" (Once Again), she said "Choi Yat Ji" . When she was introducing "Chan Boi Yi", she called her "Chan Boi Si" instead. As a host for so many years, its not often that she makes so many mistakes.

During the show, the contestants were asked if they were to date Carol for 10 years, how would they purpose to her? Number 6 (Cheng Chi Yeung) said that he would kneel down and kiss her hand. Although Number 8 tried to sing a song by her ex-boyfriend David Lui, Carol still heartlessly said: "I probably won't agree, you are dead meat!"

Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Joey Yung considers releasing a photo book at age 39

joey yung

Yesterday Joey Yung accepted a radio interview and played a game with a male fan. Joey personally helped this 14 year old male fan put on make-up. Make-up is her own 'business', she said that at first she was worried that the boy would refuse, but turns out that he had already tried it before for performances. Afterwards, she let him wash off the make-up before going home. Joey said that just now she saw the boy tearing up and thought that he was touched! But then she found out that he was tearing up because when she was putting on the eyeliner on him, she accidentally slipped the eyeliner in his eye. Joey said that besides singing, she has a great interest in make-up. Earlier she helped her assistant put on make-up, making her face look crazy.

Asked if Denise Ho was brave for admitting to homosexuality? She expressed that she has already responded to this earlier. Speaking of Stephy Tang's new book having many word errors, Joey expressed that she has always wanted to release a book of her own, but never had the time. She said that she and Stephy are not that familiar with each other, but she felt that she is a tough girl. Asked if she would first find someone to do proofreading in the future when she releases a book? She expresses that she definitely will because the book should be something to value. Asked if she has interest in releasing a photo book like the "models"? Joey said that when she's 39 years old, if she still has the body figure and appearance, she will consider it because this is actually the best time to release one with the right body figure. She laughed: "If I release a book now, I would definitely lose everything because way too many people are releasing one. Maybe during the winter. Also, I'm afraid Fans won't like me being too sexy."

Source: Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Wong He refuses to do any more photo books

wong he

Kwaii and 黃金已瑩 recently released a new book titled: "Beautiful Spa Trip" (美麗達人溫泉之旅) , the two especially invited Wong He to the Book Fair for promotion. As "Burning Flames 3" is currently broadcasting, the "Ah Ou" (Cow) from the series Wong He's popularity have been rising, he attracted many onlookers. Wong he helped his good friends promote their new book and also helped himself by promoting his series, he directed onlookers to catch BF3.

Wong He was on stage helping his good friends promote, he said that the book is about travelling and also touches on how to look pretty. He smiled and said that this book is very useful for girls who are planning a vacation with their boyfriends, at least their appearance in the morning is bearable. Kawaii then joked and asked Wong He if his morning look is bearable? Wong He immediately said: "Probably like how you look." Then he clarified with the audience: "I did not do 'anything' with her! But we did go on a vacation together. At anytime we still had our eyes, nose and mouth!"

42 years old

Also, Wong He had once released a photo book before, asked if he would do another one? He expressed that earlier the publishers asked him too, but he smiled and said he won't. His current body appearence is not as good as before, it is a weakness now. Reporters said that many people are releasing photo books now? Wong He smiled: "I'm not far from 'that age'. Nowadays even a teenager could release a book, but I'm already 42 years old. One book is enough. As for BF3's ending was exposed. He said that many magazines had different endings from the real one, audience should not believe too much of it. There is only one ending, there won't be two versions of it. About Kevin Cheng and Charmaine Sheh's rumors of being in the same car, asked if Wong He knows if Kevin is dating? He said: "I don't know, its not convenient for me to talk about this." Regarding Kevin rushing Charmaine off the car when he spotted Reporters, Wong He said: "No comment."

Source: Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Bernice Liu brought Moses Chan's book and is waiting for an autograph

bernice liu

Bernice Liu was at the "Nike Kobe Asia Tour 2009" event, she met an international basketball superstar there and immediately became a little fan of his. She brought all her professional camera equipment to take beautiful pictures. She praises her idol to have good basketball skills and puts in much effort for charity. "He also respects Chinese people and keeps doing charities." Also, Bernice reveals that she brought home rumored boyfriend Moses Chan's "coffee book" back home. "Books cannot be given, have to buy it. But I didn't get an autograph yet, we don't see each other much."

Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Kevin Cheng gets very into his role against all odds

kevin cheng

Kevin Cheng has been in the entertainment industry for many years, with one rumor of not getting along with Wong He in "Burning Flames 3", he considers that as a life experience. However, the two men stressed that they have a "colleague" relationship and even did all the "surface exchange" work to prove their relationship!

Last year, "BF3" was filming for a few months, Kevin describes the process as a physical, mental and spirtual's big test. Besides the difficult filming process as a fireman, he also had to face the constant rumors strongly. He was involved with rumors of not getting along with Wong He and relationship troubles in the triangle love with rumored girlfriends Charmaine Sheh and Niki Chow. It was a troublesome scene.

"In those few months, I had the most gossips, almost the entire HK knew that I was on the headlines, but I did not let this affect my work performance. So, every day when I go to work I would remind myself, I need to use my abilities to show that I can do this series, then all is overcome. I would talk to friends about my problems, sometimes even Myolie Wu knew that I was unhappy, she would comfort me and told me 'Don't be like that! It's nonsense!' as an encouragement. She wouldn't add more pressure on me, but instead allowed me to focus on my acting. She's a real good partner."

Wong He opinions are different, it is only for the series

As for the 'storm' on not getting along with Wong He, He felt that it's not really a rumor, "Both of us know deep down that its for the good of the series, but it is impossible for everyone to have the same opinions, sometimes we deal with the scene differently. We also have the Director make the final decisions. The most important is that we all want the best for the series. I don't feel that is such a big problem. It is just that since I've enter the industry, I have never had any rumors with anyone else that we didn't get along. You all could go back and check the records and see this is my own experience. Actually 7 years ago when I first joined TVB, I played brothers with Wong He in "BF2", now we are opposite. This time, we have another opportunity to collaborate, it is the same thing, we are colleagues!"

There are a lot of firefighting scenes in "BF3", filming occurred in the summer, Kevin suggested to Producer Amy Wong that she should hire a stunts double quickly. "I was worried that I would not be able to withstand the heat, so I hired a substitute to help out on my own. At least sometimes if I couldn't take the scene on myself, there will be someone else to substitute me. Of course, if it is too dangerous, I will do it myself. Results, the substitute worked for a day and within the 12 hours of work, he sat there for 11 hours. He only did one or two scenes for me. He also couldn't take it any longer thinking, he doesn't want the money anymore because most of the scenes the Director requested that I do it. In the end, I just did them all myself."

Most Memorable: Saved a girl in a fire

In the series, the firefighting scenes are quite realistic, the cast are at risk that an unexpected accident might happen. Kevin's most memorable scene was in episode 12, where he was with Wong He saying a little girl who was stuck in a fire. "This scene talked about Wong He falling into a pit and I was trying to pull him up from above, but a falling piece of glass from two stories above fell and knocked me out. This piece of glass fell from a restaurant and was very large. During filming, the glass was not expected to completely burst open, it was a direct hit and even though I had a helmet on, I still felt a little dizzy. If the glass fell on Wong He, who didn't have a helmet on, then I cannot think of what could happen! This scene was quite dangerous. I also experienced filming many hours of fire scenes in the 35 C degrees weather. Afterwards, I felt dehydrated and felt like I couldn't breathe for 45 minutes. After drinking lots of water, I was okay."

Learning Ice Hockey

Last year when they were filming for this series, the Golden Harvest building experienced a level 5 fire, two firemen were killed in the fire. Kevin and the other cast members felt that it was a pity. "The spirit the firemen had for us citizens makes me respect them greatly. It is noble work that they do. After the previous two series of Burning Flames, there were a group of people who went to apply to become a fireman, hoping that more people would join the firefighters." Besides fire scenes, he felt that the other challenging scenes were that Director wanted him to play Ice Hockey. "At that time, I was also in 'Strictly Come Dancing', I didn't have any time to practice. Playing ice hockey is all about the skills, so I used my spare time when I didn't have to work to go learn how to play. It was not that hard to overcome though." For his role in "BF3", Kevin really put in a lot of effort into his work. Don't just look at his nice physical appearance, but he does do a lot of extra work for the series.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Chrissie Chau giving out free ice-cream

chrissie chau

Chrissie Chau was promoting her real life portrait in Golden Bauhinia Square yesterday. She arrived there in an ice-cream van, giving out free ice-cream to her fans as well as demonstrating eating ice- cream as described in her book. She didn't make a mess when eating ice-cream this time. There were not a lot of onlookers around her, in contrast to her autograph session the other day in the book fair. She dressed very conservative too, only showing her legs this time and there were two security guards with her. After the activity, she wanted to go inside the book fair to see the reporters, but she was reminded by the staff that she didn't apply for the permit to be interviewed. Chrissie was interviewed outside the book fair under the hot weather. Reporters asked how many books she had sold? Chrissie said she sold over 5,000 and she had reprinted another 4000. Chrissie had made a promise that if she can sell 10,000 books, she would hold a session to give the readers blow kiss. Reporter asked since she had sold 5,000, has she prepared the session yet? Chrissie said she will wait and see. The reporter went on to say if she sells 15,000 books, what would she do? Chrissie smiled "I have to think about it, maybe shake hand with the readers."

Source: Takungpao/MingPao/
Translator: R.E.D @

Kama Law giving out free milk, attracting more male readers

kama law

Chrissie Chau and Kama Law both tried to promote their book by giving out free ice-cream and milk under the hot sun yesterday. Chrissie didn't get a lot of response from the onlookers in Golden Bauhinia Square. A few hours later, Kama turned up unexpectedly to give out milk, she had attracted more than 50 people asking for milk.

There was rumor that the two had an argument following an allegation that Chrissie had her breasts enhancement. As a result, the two "sisters" had turned against each other. Kama dressed very conservative yesterday, only showing her long legs. She gave out 200 autograph quotas and her "My Secret Album" attracted more male readers. Kama told reporter she is very excited as she sold 5000 books in 3 hours. The publisher is going to print 10,000 more.

Source: Takungpao/Wenweipo/ (image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Bosco Wong knows how difficult it is for Firemen after being one himself

bosco wong

Already collaborated with Kevin Cheng 4 times, Bosco and Kevin have become great friends, great buddies. They talk 'lan' GAG all the time, collectively they have become a market! How is Kevin like in the optimistic Bosco Wong's eyes? He said: "When I first met Kevin, I thought he was a bit too cool, but then we started having topics to talk about. Kevin loves to joke around, he can continuously talk 'lan' GAG, he's really funny. If I have anything that I'm not happy about or if I'm excited about something, I can talk to him about it. We do not always have to meet up to talk, that is not our communication style. Instead, our relationship flows more naturally. Kevin has many good traits. He is handsome, prudent and he can eat a lot, but won't get fat."

Kevin also praises Bosco nonstop: "He is very obedient and he is hard working. He does all his homework before entering the studio, he designs his roles. This 'bad boy' is very tall, handsome, cute, girly, funny, a jerk and he can also dance. Bosco has a very good acting career ahead of him because of these many character traits."

During filming for "Burning Flames III", numerous rumors of Wong He being hard to work with circulated, including not getting along with Kevin. Did Bosco get stuck in between the two? "Not getting along is just rumors! Personally, I am an optimistic person, always he-he ha-ha, I could careless about you! Although I am not that close with Wong He as I am with Kevin, but we get along pretty well. We would joke and I would get advice from him."

In "Burning Flames II", Bosco Wong played a fireman, but at the time he had a very small role with little screen time. This time he actually needs to go into the fire scenes, the most memorable scene was in episode two where a fire broke out in the karaoke. "This scene talked about me fleeing after an explosion and I immediately went low to the ground, where bits of my hair was caught in the fire. But no worries because the staff members already done all safety measures before the scene. This scene was quite exciting. After filming, I burnt my hand, my T-shirt was all burnt looking and my shoes were so hot. One of the most difficult scenes was when we were sitting in the fire engine speaking our lines, it was really hot and stuffy inside the truck. We also have to be in the truck for a long period, it feels really bad, worse than going into a fire."

Speaking of the Golden Harvest building fire last year, "I remember that day I was in my car and passed by the building, I saw a lot of smoke. It was only later that I found out two firemen were killed in the fire. It is very unfortunate. We artists were in the firemen uniform watching the news about the accident, it was shocking, it was silent and I felt like crying. Firemen who go into a real fire to fight it, is 1000 times more difficult than us filming it. They are not afraid to lose their lives in order to save people. I now respect firemen and their job even more. Sometimes when I pass by the fire station, I would greet them and salute to them. It's a very close feeling."

Aimee Chan gets 85 points

In the series, rumored girlfriend Myolie Wu's relationships landed on Wong He and Kevin. He only got Aimee Chan to be his partner. He laughed and said give audience another type of feeling, a fresh feeling. Comparing Myolie and Aimee, He was a bit embarrassed to say: "Every person has their own strengths, each with its own advantages. It is hard to compare. (Do you have more chemistry with Myolie?) Of course, but Aimee Chan has good potential. She can get into character easily, have good sparks with her, her performance is not too bad. I give her 85 points." Kevin was besides him and praised Myolie: "After collaborating with Myolie in 'Strictly Come Dancing' and 'Burning Flames 3', I understand why she rise so quickly, she is very professional. She is not afraid of hard work, she does all her homework and preparations beforehand. There is a reason to her success and she is also a very good friend. It is believed that Bosco strongly agrees with Kevin.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Aimee Chan always had the dream to be a police officer

aimee chan

Aimee Chan wrote "My Dream" when she was a child and that was to become a majestic police officer one day, but her mom felt that it was too dangerous and forced her daughter to drop the dream. Today she was not able to become a cop, but in the new series "Burning Flames III" she plays a police officer. Aimee can finally get the feel of how its like to be a police officer.

Aimee's role is a straightforward cop, but because her police uniform stirred up a fire, it attracted much laughter. The reality Aimee and her role are quite similar in being that they are both straightforward and have met a few hard challenges in life. Usually, Aimee is a gentle and well-mannered girl, but when she takes action, she turns into a rough girl. Since then, she spent a lot of time to try to "brainwash" herself.

To learn how to become her role as a cop, Aimee said: "Earlier I spent a lot of time learning how to have that female police officer mentality. I watched 'Armed Reaction' and 'The Academy' to learn how they talk and what they usually do. Even the walking style, I would try to do.

Because she was too into acting, Aimee reveals that it seems like she changed into another person, she said: "I am like that. Whatever role I play, it will impact me in reality in some way. Becoming a female officer in such a short period of time, friends thought that I changed, but it's nothing. After a while, I will be back to normal."

Aimee does not only have the police dream, but turns out that she also likes the uniforms. Since childhood up until now, she owns many uniforms and military items. She is extremely a tomboy. Asked if she hopes that her other half would be a "uniform man"? She said: "Well I won't look for one purpose, he doesn't have to work in the rescue discipline There also needs to be fate! Let fate decide."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Cecilia Cheung Denies Second Baby on the Way

cecilia cheung

Hong Kong actress-singer Cecilia Cheung denied she was pregnant when she appeared at her friend Eric Kwok's recent concert. Cheung, who was seen in loose clothes, said she was enjoying life with her two-year-old son, Lucas, and would postpone any plans for a second baby.

When Cheung was asked about a possible pregnancy, the actress said she would like to delay such plans as she prefers to cherish the time she has playing with son Lucas. She also expressed admiration for another Hong Kong star, Kelly Chen after she gave birth.

Cheung's friends helped her deny rumors about her pregnancy. Eric Kwok wondered why there was such a rumor every time Cheung spent time away from the public eye.

One of the guest performers, Alan Tam, added he didn't believe Cheung was having a baby as he saw the actress dancing backstage.

source : CRI.English

Leila Tong participates in a “Save the Dogs” campaign

leila tong

Nowadays people living in the city are losing personal relationships and neighbours may not even say hello to each other. But Leila has a lot of helpful neighbours and she feels very lucky.

Leila: “Because I live in a village complex, personal relationships and human interactions are very close. Neighbours are like really good friends, even relatives! Whenever there is a problem, everyone will help each other. One time a neighbour’s dog hurt their waist and because the owner was a girl, she didn’t have enough strength to carry it to the vet. She just stood there with tears in her eyes watching her dog painfully crying, so she could only phone for help. When we neighbours received the call, we all immediately came to help, even the neighbour that had moved away came quickly in his car. In the end we all managed to take the large dog to the vet. At that time no one cared about how the look and just wore ordinary clothes we wear inside our house. Thinking about it now, the scene was really touching.”

Translated by: Phixster @

Eason Chan tears up as he sings MJ's song "Heal the World"

eason chan

Eason Chan just held a concert in Beijing, there were 30,000 audience members who attended. That night, Eason sang one of the songs by the King of Pop MJ "Heal the World" as a tribute. As he sang, he began tearing up, he said: "He gave me a great insight, he has many songs that remain in our hearts. He left us many songs that we could follow in spirit, I just feel..... that we are people who do not cherish our own world enough."

Translated by: aZnangel @

Zhou Xun attends fashion show in Paris

zhou xun

Chinese actress Zhou Xun attended the release show of Chanel's Fall/Winter custom design 2009 in Grand Palais of Paris on Tuesday, July 7. Among the invited celebs are French film star Isabelle Huppert and actress Anna Mouglalis, who starred in "Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky", the closing film of this year's Cannes Film Festival. Zhou Xun was pictured exchanging gifts with Chanel's fashion giant Karl Lagerfeld at the end of the show.

source: Zhou Xun

Suki Tsui has pressure to save up for an apartment

suki chui

Suki Tsui was invited as one of the judges for "Healthy Living Carnival 2009" yesterday. She was playing games with four families as well as sharing her experience of healthy living with them. Suki admitted she is a fussy eater, and she is very particular about her food. This is because her mother is a very good cook. Since she has entered the entertainment industry, she has hosted a few food and drink programme, therefore she has tasted a lot of good food.

Reporter asked Suki when she goes out for dinner with friends, does she pay the bills? Suki replied "No, those guys won't let me pay. (Are they after you?) Some of them, but they are not my type. If they are I would be dating now." Suki reckoned if she is good in the kitchen, you could attract more male friends.

Suki has been hoping to buy an apartment, but she can't save up. This is because she doesn't know how to handle her money. She admitted " I am not a big spender, but I don't know where my money has gone? It must be leaking somewhere!". Asked if she wants to change her car and her home? Suki said she needs to finish paying for the car first. She also needs to look after her parents, who always give her pressure to buy an apartment.

Source: Takungpao
Translator: R.E.D @

Myolie doesn't allow her daughter to wear Bikini

myolie wu

Myolie Wu attended a children creative competition award ceremony today. She said: "When I was young, I didn't have any talent for art, I only took part in singing competition. I regretted that I did not learn how to dance. When I have children in the future, I will asked them to learn dancing," (Bosco is very good at dancing!) "What does it got to do with him?" (If you have a daughter, will you allow her to be a model?) "It is fine if she is doing it for fun. She can't do it for a living. She has to complete her studies first, can't be a model for life. I also don't wish to see my own daughter wearing a bikini." (What if she wears a bikini for Miss Hong Kong?) "See what her dream is first. When I join Miss Hong Kong, I was already 19 years old."


Denise Ho admits to being a homosexual

denise ho

Yesterday Denise Ho attended CRHK's (十人巷) with Stephen Chan and Sammy Leung. Sammy immediately asked Denise if she's a lesbian, when Denise saw the question coming, she quickly said: "Yes, done answering!" Making the entire scene and Sammy's mouth drop, not knowing what to say.

As to admitting that she's a lesbian, Denise said afterwards: "I am just playing with everyone. Why is everyone so serious? It's because people have been asking me for so many years, I want to give a fresh feeling for everyone, answering them directly, causing the person asking the question to go speechless. That is the right thing to do." Is she a lesbian now? "This generation, it is not about what your sexual orientation is. Like if you like a boy now, in the future he might like another girl." What are you at this moment? "If I answer, it will be a whole topic. Actually we all have an answer deep down. It is 'yes' or 'no', already have an answer long ago." Denise's parents and family never asked about her relationships, and she personally is really anticipating for the day she gets marry and have kids. She also have thought about her other half and starting a family one day.

In 2004, Denise was photographed with Theresa Fu from Cookies who was in the same company as her at the time having a close encounter. This was when the rumors started, at the time, she did not dare to admit to anything. But that just made the suspicions that she's a homosexual grow. In the more recent years, Denise was rumored numerous times with Canto Pop Queen Joey Yung having a very close relationship, they were often photographed eating together. Their relationship became "rumored close friends". Towards this, Denise said: "In the past, I was photographed so much, I would always try to avoid. But now I'm getting old, I do whatever I like to. Whatever story there is, it has all been written before."

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @

Bernice Liu gets good response singing nursery song

bernice liu

The cantonese version of "Doraemon 多啦A夢" theme song "Dream" was sung by Bernice Liu. Bernice revealed that it was her first time singing nursery song, she was very pleased with the response. Yesterday, Bernice attended the TVB "Animation of the 2009 Golden Oldies Golden nursery vote" activity. She told reporter once she met a mother and child in a supermarket. The mother told her son happily that Bernice is "Doraemon". Bernice revealed that she has been working on film the last 18 months, and now she is mainly doing guest appearance in TV series. Bernice likes working on movies as well as TV series, therefore she doesn't feel bored and she is also using her spare time to learn other things too. Reporter pointed out that a lot of artists are producing records nowadays, when is it her turn? Bernice responded "You have to ask the company, but I don't have the time."

Source: MingPao/
Translator: R.E.D @

Leon Lai has support from Hong Kong Chief Executive Ronald Tsang

leon lai

Leon Lai was performing his second "Dream wedding Leon Live 09" concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum the other night. Hong Kong Chief Executive Ronald Tsang and his wife were there among the audience, and they stayed till the end of the concert. Leon thanked him specially when he opened the show. Other special guests who supported him included Chairman of Hong Kong Community Chest Lawrance Yu, East Asia boss Peter Lam, Janice Vidal and Charles Ying.

During the concert, Leo told the audience "A person who has a kind heart and always does his best is a good man." He thanked Ronald Tsang for supporting him, saying Ronald has finished a day's work, now he is a normal person who takes two hours rest to attend his concert. The audience gave his a big round of applaud, some fans shouted "Chief, we support you!" Ronald smiled.

Translator: R.E.D @

Wayne Lai wants his son to experience living in the mountain

wayne lai

Three children from Yunnan were having dinner with Wayne Lai, the "Student Ambassador" the other night. Wayne also gave them some stationaries and watches as gift. Wayne admitted that he had never participated in any activity involving out reach charity work although many organizations have approached him previously. Wayne disclosed that he has very busy workload, therefore he is unable to accept their invitation.

However, he stressed that as soon as he has free time, he would help in any charity work. He went on to say that as an artist in the public eye, he has the duty to contribute something to the society.

Wayne went to the event accompanied by his wife. Originally, he was intending to bring his son along, but it was a pity that his son had prior arrangement on that night. Wayne told reporter that Hong Kong children are very lucky, therefore he wanted his son to visit the mountain village people so that he can experience how they live. Apart from giving the children presents, Wayne also ask them about their living condition. One of the children is hoping to study law in university, Wayne said this is a very good career choice as they need lawyers in the mainland.

Source: Takungpao
Translator:R.E.D @

Yu Feihong's Directorial Debut 'Eternal Beloved' Looks Set to Be a Hit

yu fei hong

Yu Feihong, a name better known ten years ago when the hit drama 'Qian Shou' (or hand in hand) swept across China, is now back in the spotlight, this time with her directorial debut 'Eternal Beloved'.

The film has already won praise from critics during test screenings.

Co-starring Yu Feihong and actor Duan Yihong, the ghost story revolves around an ancient gingko tree and tells a tragic romantic tale that crosses between the dead and the living.

The film, lauded as a Chinese version of 'Ghost', is in no way scary, and the previously released trailer shows fabulous cinematography that measures up to other domestic blockbusters.

But this is not surprising when you look at the powerful production team, which has gathered big names from behind the scenes of 'In the Mood for Love'(Hua Yang Nian Hua), 'Red Cliff'(Chi Bi), 'Mongol'(Meng Gu Wang), 'The Assembly'(Ji Jie Hao) and 'Forever Enthralled'(Mei Lan Huang). These include the likes of photographer Li Yaohui, renowned film cutter Lin Aner, makeup artist Xiang Haiming and recording director Wang Danrong.

Hong Kong director Hark Tsui also lent a hand and helped edit the film.

The film is adapted from "Gingko Gingko", a short novel by Shanghai writer Xu Lan published in 1990. Yu Feihong was the one who conceived the idea of having someone shoot a film based on the touching story, and was later inspired by director Wang Xiaoshuai to do it herself.

'Eternal Beloved' is slated for a public release on August 26, the traditional Chinese Valentine's Day.

source : CRI.English

Miriam @ UNICEF visit to Yunan and response to Ronald Cheng's rumour

miriam yeung

UNICEF ambassador Miriam set off to Yunan to visit the victims of last Thursday's earthquake and to understand the rescue work of UNICEF. Next Monday, Miriam will hold a press conference in Hong Kong to share her feelings of this trip.

Miriam will visit the residents who are staying in temporary tents, participate in distribution of emergency resources and inspect schools and medical facilities that are damaged by the earthquake. Miriam is not worried about the aftershocks and only prepared asthma medicine. Miriam had learnt about Kelly Chen giving birth to a son Chace Lau from the papers, but she hasn't got a chance to congratulate her in person. When asked if Miriam has the urge to give birth? She said, "Only give birth to an album in Sept." There are continuous rumours of her getting married this year. She said the media are more concerned about her marriage than her own parents.

Theresa Fu has revealed about a love cheater in her new book and many guessed it's Ronald Cheng. Miriam hasn't read about it but totally trust Ronald. Even though he has glib mouth, he's definitely not a love cheater. Miriam will be hosting for Mr Hong Kong again this year. Her performance was being critisized last year for always laughing in the show. She had initially rejected the offer but was being approached by the producer again. She said, "Actually I didn't laugh a lot last year, I only laughed when the camera is not rolling."


Gillian Chung arrived in Malaysia in style

gillian chung

Gillian Chung (Ah Gill) as the spokesperson for JAZ beer was doing a commercial in Malaysia. The commercial company had organized a welcoming event for her. They had hired a helicopter specially for Ah Gill and also obtained permission to use a car park in the city center for the helicoptor to land. Ah Gill arrived at the venue accompanied by 10 body guards. When she stepped out from the helicoptor, the audience went wild, and the scene was in chaos. This is her second time in Malaysia since she resumed working. Reporter asked if she is getting used to working now? Ah Gill responded "I am fine as usual, just return for work. I have never worried about my fan's reaction." Talking about getting back to work with Charlene Choi as Twins, Ah Gill said "My work schedule has been booked till next year, it would be difficult for us to work together this year. "

Source: MingPao
Translator: R.E.D @

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

10 Years In The Industry, Myolie Wu Has Many Development Plans

myolie wu

Borrowing Chai Kau's golden line, "How many ten years is there in a life time?", and especially during the 20-30 age phase, it's the golden period of 10 years where many people come out of school and step into the society, and from an immature mindset to defining their own life goals clearly. Myolie Wu, who's approaching 30 soon, looks back at her 10-year development in the entertainment industry. She felt fortunate that while she got to act, she also had the chance to rush onto the last train to enter the music industry. She has already set her targets for the next 10 years. Other than hoping to develop further into both TV and singing, she also wants to become a mother before 40 years old. MSN celebrated its 10th year anniversary for breaking into the Hong Kong market, and cooperated with TVB.COM to release a 'MyTVxMSN' free TV channel, allowing the netizens to re-watch TVB's TV programs while playing on MSN. To make this occasion grand, the organizer found Myolie Wu, whom coincidentally was in her 10th year of her career, to become the promotional ambassador for the 10-year-old anniversary. She joked that if it was not for MSN's reminder, she would not have realized on how time had flown past. "10 years seem to be like a long time, but I feel that I've just entered the industry not long ago. Because last year, I had the chance to venture into the music industry. It's very different from my acting job. No longer portraying other characters, but to be myself. Feels very refreshing."

Thinking back on the development in the entertainment industry for the past 10 years, Myolie felt very satisfied, "These 10 years, many people gave me opportunities. I can try doing a job which I like. Tried acting, releasing an album. I felt that I'm very fortunate. Last year when I released my first album, I clinched the newcomer award. It's already a recognition. I won't demand myself to become the 'Top' so quickly. Instead, I shall enjoy the process of my work, hoping that I will improve gradually, and be able to have another 10 years in my career."

When talking about the future 10 years, it's even the period for her to develop and expand her career. Her ambition is to break out of the Hong Kong market. "My past dramas have helped me to accumulate a little popularity in the South-east Asia region. Hopefully in the future, I can film more better dramas, and allow the overseas people to know me. Then I can attend stage performances outside of Hong Kong too. I've also planned to sing Mandarin songs soon, breaking into the Taiwan and Mainland markets. And also, have chances to work with music producers from other countries." Recently, she's busy with recording her new album, and frankly expressed that most of her time had been spent on singing. But looking at the long-term plan, she hopes to develop a balance between acting and singing.

Although Myolie said that she's currently busy with work and does not have the impulsiveness to datet and get married, she still hopes that 10 years later, she can get pregnant and have a child. "In the past, I didn't want to become a mother. Because need to sacrifice a lot. After having the child, it's like my life has stopped. Everything needs to be considered for the child. But when my nephew was born, I saw that although my elder sister gave out a lot, she also obtained a lot of happiness from the process. I feel that it's worth it. So I hope that I can become a mother. I believe that 40 years old won't be too late!" But she still felt that relationship matters cannot be rushed. She won't marry hurriedly just because she wants to become a mother. She even emphasized strongly that for the next 10 years, her career is still of the top priority.

Credits: psycho 0805 @

Esther Kwan injures her waist, won't affect fertility

esther kwan

Esther Kwan, Roger Kwok and Michelle Yim attended the blessing ceremony of their new series "Five Flavors of Life". Esther expressed that this series has quite a bit of action scenes. The other night when she bent over to wash her hair, she accidentally pulled a muscle on her waist and will need to go see the doctor for treatment. But her injury has improved a lot now. She also stressed that there was not an affect on her fertility. Esther said that her daughter has been fussing more often lately, she said: "Probably because she doesn't see me much, so she's especially fussy." As for Roger Kwok, he exposes that after filming this series he will be taking a break for a family trip to Japan.

Also, earlier Joyce Cheng exposed on her blog that she just broke up with her boyfriend. Rumored boyfriend Derek Kwok was asked about this, he frankly said: "Is she talking about her old relationship history?! Everyone thinks its me!" Speaking of Joyce writing that entry on her blog was to get his attention and that she wanted him to voice his concern, Derek said: "I only went to check it out when you guys were talking about it, if she's not in a good mood, then I'll go on it more often!"

Michelle expressed that after this series, she will be taking a break. Besides going to visit Gansu Province, she will also travel to the U.S and Canada. Asked if Wan Chi-Keung will go with her? She said: "I will have to see how the condition is like first!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Felix Wong returning to TVB: Newcomer forever

felix wong

Felix Wong was a guest for "Be My Guest" with Stephen Chan the other day. Stephen teased Felix that he and Michael Miu has the worst singing in the entertainment industry. Stephen also gave Felix a watch as a gift and hopes he will "leap" back to TVB soon. Although Felix sings bad, but in 1995 he actually recorded a song with Chen Ming, entitled: 愛在星光燦爛時. Felix laughed: "It was this song that ruined my chance to become a singer."

Asked if Felix has anything that he cannot say? He said: "I have no secrets. Even if its relationships, I could talk about it. You can ask, but I won't answer." He also said that he is a boring person, had never had much news. Stephen also said that he has zero rumored partners. Asked if Felix would return to TVB? He said: "I have gone into discussion about it, but will have to see if the timing is right first! Leave it to fate!" Asked who he wants to co-star with? He said he is currently filming the LAUGHING GOR movie with Fala Chen, Koni Lui and the group of Mr. Hong Kongs. He feels that there is a huge refreshing feeling. The group of Mr. HK have some great momentum. When speaking of Anthony Wong unhappy filming this movie, Felix denied: "No. He enjoys life, its very comfortable, he is always talking about how happy he was shooting for this movie and the difficult parts. Although he appears to be unhappy, but he is actually quite happy." Stephen then joked that because of that reason, he is Film King.

Stephen exposes that Felix had been with TVB for so many years and has never won the gold medal for 10 years of service. Because he left TVB twice, he never made it to being 10 years in TVB, Felix laughed and said that he will forever be a newcomer!

In other news, Kelly Chen just gave birth to a baby boy of 6 pounds. Stephen Chan tells the Media to help him congratulate Kelly for him.

Source: Takungpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

G.E.M replaces Elanne Kong as Citicall's new spokesperson

elanne kong

Recently G.E.M has replaced Elanne Kong in becoming the new spokesperson for Citicall. As well as earning a 7 digit sum, the advertising company have even created a new image for G.E.M for the advertisement full of facial expressions. It is said that the reason she was favored was because the advertising company knew the people working with her. They were introduced by connections and got on well instantly.

Elanne Kong who was the spokesperson for Citicall the last 2 years has always maintained a good relationship with the advertising company.

Surrenders making faces for 10 hours

G.E.M often makes different facial expressions. In order to use her talent the advertising company requested her to make faces during the shooting. It includes the famous "Goldfish face" expression. Due to making faces for over 10 hours, G.E.M who is full of energy wanted to surrender. She said "I feel like I am competing in a face changing competition. I even ran out of goldfish face expressions".

As for replacing Elanne Kong because her company staff knew the advertising company well, G.E.M stated that wasn't the case and that she will use Elanne as her goal. She said "In the past when I saw Elanne's advertisement I would stop by and glance at it. I hope people will look at my advertisement when it's released". G.E.M also promoted her new single "All About You" at the radio station yesterday. She stated that she is currently exercising to lose weight. "My makeup artist told me not to eat any foods with starch but I found it hard to resist after 1 day".

More Advertisements for Elanne

Elanne's management responded by saying that they didn't feel G.E.M had stole Elanne's work. They even stressed that Elanne ended the contract with the advertising company in a happy manner. "Each company has their own set of rules. We weren't able to fulfil the companies requirements this time. Elanne has a lot of upcoming work to do. As well as advertisements in discussion, she will also be entering the Mandarin market. Her fans needn't worry".

Elanne was shooting her new MV "有請下位" yesterday. She made it clear that Pakho Chau was not the male star that was reported pursuing her. She said "It's not him. I pity him to be dragged into it. I haven't phoned him yet as I just returned from Thailand. But I will apologise to him".

Translator: Matchbox @
Source: Sun

Selena Li started dating aged 17 and lost weight when she was dumped

selena li

Selena Li who is frank and straight forward answered all the reporter's questions in a relaxed manner. She kindly revealed the age she started dating and the feeling of being dumped. She also exposed that she likes to drink soda and eat crisps during midnight. Clearly she has no hidden secrets that cannot be revealed.

Childhood Questions

Q: Did you play with Barbie dolls and play cooking games?
S: Of course I did
Q: How old were you when you first started dating?
S: 17 years old, I felt very shy at the time. When I was dumped I felt very sad. It took me 3 weeks to recover and I lost 10 pounds.

Selena has always considered love to be bigger than the sky. The reason she likes to play with Barbie is because it can take her into the adult world. She would be able to do things adults could do such as shopping and dating.

Food Questions

Q: Can you eat spicy foods? What is the spiciest food you have eaten?
S: I can eat very spicy foods. The spiciest food I ever had was eating hotpot in Sichuan. The hotpot was full chillies. After I finished eating my lips became swollen and it took me 2 days to recover.
Q: What weird eating habits do you have?
S: When it gets to midnight I must drink coke and eat crisps. It’s not a healthy habit but I can’t help it. The later it gets the more I crave for it.

Although Selena’s eating habit is not healthy, she doesn’t fear because eating is her main priority. She said "I always eat without thinking of my health. Most important is that I can eat, I love eating desserts. After having dinner I will eat cheesecake and crisps. That’s why people ask whether I didn’t eat enough at dinner".

Clothing Questions

Q: Do you like wearing trousers or dresses?
S: Of course I like to wear trousers.

Selena is very clumsy that’s why she likes to wear trousers. She said "It's not because I am a tomboy but because I am very clumsy. I usually get my clothes dirty while eating. If I wear a dress I will expose myself easily. That's why it is more secure to wear trousers and I won’t have to worry about it".

Life Questions

Q: What do you think about wearing shoes without socks?
S: If you’re wearing sandals then it doesn’t matter. But if you’re wearing normal shoes without socks then I can’t accept that. I’m afraid my feet will feel even hotter without socks and that my feet will smell.

Q: how many times do you shower a day?
S: I normally shower in the morning and evening. The most I ever showered was 4 times a day.
Q: will you ever feel too tired to shower and go straight to bed?
S: No

Selena takes care of her personal hygiene. She said "I am really afraid of being dirty. I never wear shoes without socks. Wearing shoes without socks gives me the impression you are wearing clothes but without underwear. It would feel strange. If I went straight to bed without having a shower, I would need to change the bed sheets the following day. That would be more of a hassle".

Translator: Matchbox @
Source: Sun

Ah Sa leaving EEG for Gold Label? Vincy Chan exposes high chance for Twins' comeback, Ah Sa can't leave

vincy chancharlene choi

EEG's loveable Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) recently been rumored to be going over to rumored boyfriend Ronald Cheng's music record company. Vincy Chan expressed that she does not believe that her "see jie" Ah Sa will be leaving EEG. Vincy also said that there is a high chance that Twins will make a comeback into the music scene, she said: "How will that happen they do that if they are in two different companies!"

Vincy and Alex Fong attended an event to encourage students yesterday. Towards the news about Ah Sa will be moving over to Gold Label to be with rumored boyfriend Ronald Cheng, Vincy frankly said that she has not heard of this rumor and she doesn't believe it's true. She said: "Really? I really have never heard of this news before. (Do you believe it?) Nope. A few days ago, I went to see her stage drama performance, she didn't mention it to me then. (There was rumors that her 'boyfriend' pulled her over?) I don't know if it's true, don't ask me. (Dating and working together, it's really happy?) I feel that even if you have another half, you don't always have to be together with them, there needs to be personal space."

Vincy feels that Ah Sa and EEG has a really good relationship, it is an ideal place for personal development, leaving the company would lessen the opportunities and is less likely to happen. She also believes that there is a high opportunity that Twins will make their comeback into the music scene, she said: "I really look forward to it myself, this possibility is very high, so there is no reason for her to change companies. If that happens, when the time comes, would the two companies both sent out one of their artists to make up the group Twins? By that time, their name would need to be changed too!"

Alex Fong also does not believe in the rumors, he said that the news is ridiculous, he said: "She is currently doing very well, there is no reason for her to change companies. But if she does move over to Gold Label, we'll still welcome her. (Did you ask Ronald about it?) Nope, I will ask him for you guys. (If she joins Gold Label, is there a threat to Stephy Tang then?) There is no threat to me. (Leo Ku also developed quite well, but he still moved over to EEG?) That's not related. Every person has a different thought, terminating the contract is usually decided by both parties."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Kevin Cheng a GAG lover praises Bosco Wong to be handsome

kevin cheng

Kevin Cheng and Bosco Wong are on the same line in Male Leads, but they are also good friends, good brothers. Although there is competition between them, but that does not hurt their relationship. It's man and man, it does not mean that they don't get along, they too have feelings.

Kevin and Bosco are two men who run into each other, having many things to talk about, sometimes they can chat nonstop. In reality, they have good brothers relationship. Kevin and Bosco have worked together on 4 series, the most recent one is "Burning Flames 3" where the two have very different personalities, but still have a deep bond. Kevin said: "I don't know about Bosco, but I am also good friends with Roger Kwok and Moses Chan. We have many common topics to talk about, Bosco is not even in my generation, but this handsome boy is quite amazing."

Does all the homework before any series

The cool cool Kevin Cheng counts all the advantages of Bosco, including serious towards his work, professional, and will definitely do the homework before any series. Kevin says: "Not all newcomers know how to treasure. Bosco has his own personal knowledge. Among the new generation Siu Sangs Raymond Lam, Ron Ng and Bosco. I like Bosco's flexibility because he can be handsome, hot or even girly. He can change his character pretty quickly."

Being greatly praised by Kevin, Bosco automatically praises him back: "Kevin is actually very handsome and mature. Actually, when I first met Kevin, I felt that he was kinda cool, but when our relationship slowly developed, I realized he likes to joke a lot. He is the king of "laan" GAG." Although Bosco doesn't usually meet up with Kevin his private life, but every time they see each other, they are very compatible. He frankly said: "Actually there is no competition between us. Our routes are not the same, therefore considered to have no competition, if our personalities didn't match, we wouldn't have became friends."

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Bobo Chan still angered with Edison Chen, closes her shop down to avoid Media

bobo chan

Was previously involved in the Edison Chen photo scandal, last year Bobo Chan left for the United States to avoid the news. The results of her wedding plans with her boyfriend was a failure. Although during this period of time, Bobo had her boyfriend's care and support for her, recently she found her boyfriend opened a Crystal Jam nail shop for over nearly a million dollars in North Point. However, until this day, Bobo still has not forgiven Edison Chen, the other day she just heard Edison's name and already appeared displeased, she quickly left the gates thereafter.

On Tuesday, the Media spotted Bobo with make-up on with her boyfriend on the streets, the couple appeared very loving. Wearing all black, Bobo and her boyfriend went into a store to take care of some errands, at first Bobo had her boyfriend accompany her on both sides of her, but after a while Bobo felt impatient and became upset. Her boyfriend who had itching hands couldn't help but to brush her on the back, but she still had her hands crossed. Afterwards, Bobo went alone to dress up, she was constantly putting on nail polish on her fingers to look pretty.

When Bobo discovered that there were Reporters, she became nervous and quickly left the store. She walked out of the store and met up with her boyfriend as they went into a office building together, Bobo's boyfriend followed his girlfriend in. In the evening at 8pm, Bobo appeared at the nail shop again, this is when Reporters went up to her and asked her about Edison's return to Hong Kong, did he apologize to her? At first Bobo had a smile on her face, but once she heard Edison's name, she immediately turned around and left. The staff at the nail shop came out and asked for the Reporter's name and identity. Afterwards, Bobo called out two security guards to watch the front entrance and then later she even pulled in the gates to close the shop.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU

Jessica Hsuan met up with her old school friends in HK and UK

jessica hsuan

Jessica Hsuan, GEM and Kenny Kwan attended the press conference in Tsim Sha Tsui for the "Big Summer Smile Charity Activity" to raise fund for the animal medical care. Jessica has got 4 dogs at home therefore she is not looking for more dogs. She has been planning to live with her parents recently, and has started looking for a bigger property. Jessica expressed that she doesn't know what it will be like living with her parents sisnce she has been on her own for so long, and she is not sure if they can get on well living together. Jessica told reporter after she has finished filming "Pearl In The Palm" she went to England for a 2 week break. It was a coincidence that her old boarding school was celebrating its 20th anniversary and she saw a lot of her high school friends there. The other night, Jessica met up with her primary school friends who went to Maryknoll Primary school as well. Jessica smiled "It will be Maryknoll's school's 40 years anniversary next year. We are discussing how to celebrate that event, we hope we could invite Michele Reis to be back to our old school. Jessica was very happy to see so many of her old friends, some of whom haven't changed a lot in their appearance. Asked if she is the only one not married? Jessica said "There are many single women there. Nowadays, women are very career minded, some are getting married later and later."

Source: Takungpao/Wenweipo(image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Jessica Hsuan met up with her old school friends in HK and UK

jessica hsuan

Jessica Hsuan, GEM and Kenny Kwan attended the press conference in Tsim Sha Tsui for the "Big Summer Smile Charity Activity" to raise fund for the animal medical care. Jessica has got 4 dogs at home therefore she is not looking for more dogs. She has been planning to live with her parents recently, and has started looking for a bigger property. Jessica expressed that she doesn't know what it will be like living with her parents sisnce she has been on her own for so long, and she is not sure if they can get on well living together. Jessica told reporter after she has finished filming "Pearl In The Palm" she went to England for a 2 week break. It was a coincidence that her old boarding school was celebrating its 20th anniversary and she saw a lot of her high school friends there. The other night, Jessica met up with her primary school friends who went to Maryknoll Primary school as well. Jessica smiled "It will be Maryknoll's school's 40 years anniversary next year. We are discussing how to celebrate that event, we hope we could invite Michele Reis to be back to our old school. Jessica was very happy to see so many of her old friends, some of whom haven't changed a lot in their appearance. Asked if she is the only one not married? Jessica said "There are many single women there. Nowadays, women are very career minded, some are getting married later and later."

Source: Takungpao/Wenweipo(image)
Translator: R.E.D @

Michelle Ye Cuts Her Hair Short For Leon Lai's New Movie

michelle ye

Dante Lam's new movie "Fire Dragon" was filming in Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui last night. The main character, Leon Lai, Michelle Ye, and Richie Ren filmed through the hot and humid weather, but still managed to perform splendidly, playing competent detectives. The filming crew had on set numerous police vehicles, which attracted a large amount of onlookers. However they were only filming dialog scenes and did not have any action scenes.

In this movie, Leon reveals a scruffy beard. The female lead, Michelle, sacrifices her long hair by cutting it short. She also does not wear any make-up. It’s no wonder why many onlookers did not recognize her. Michelle has a refreshing look and is shown in a new light. The scene shows Leon discussing with Michelle about the investigation. Later, they are met with Richie Ren who is dressed in a suit. While filming, everyone was very serious, but off-camera the atmosphere was very harmonious and happy. They even obliged to the request of spectators who wanted group pictures and autographs.

Credits: Michelle Ye's Realm & MYR Forum
Source: Ent.Tom.Com

Kent Cheng, Ma Zai because of ‘fire’ became bosom friends

kent cheng

In a one-on-one relationship, to get along with each other there need to be a bit of fate involved. Kent Cheng and Steven Ma, both are indomitable personalities, yet connect like father and son.

One late night, I happened upon Kent goh in the TVBcity cafeteria. Turns out that he would be flying out to Hengdian the next day to shoot a series. However, before setting out, he still made this one special trip to TVBcity to visit Steven Ma who was shooting Pu Songling then. Does Kent goh love Ma Zai this dearly?

“You know me; black is black, white is white, no middle ground. I cherish Ma Zai because he is willing to endure, also very hardworking, willing to analyze meticulously each and every one of his characters. In the entertainment field, what is most important to have is a fire inside. He has it. And this fire is burning pretty big. All this child lacks is a bit of luck, and when luck comes, the achievement will be extraordinary, for sure. I once said this to some tvb top brass: to have Ma Zai this kind of artiste is extremely rare. TVB must treasure him,” responded Kent goh, earnestly.

Kent goh expressed: The success or failure of a series is everybody’s responsibility; not just if I did my part then that’s it. What’s rare about Ma Zai is that he is willing to scrutinize every scene, to scrutinize every line; he is even concerned over the scene of the person playing opposite him; even down to the nitty-gritty details. What good about him is that he has a heart that cares about the whole, big picture.

Kent goh professed that so long a person is worth respecting, even if he is a junior, he will duly respect him; and Ma Zai is one such person.

Kent goh is a talented all-around artiste in the entertainment world. His influence has spurred on Ma Zai’s drive. Whenever they have free time, they will meet up to discuss acting and directing of shows. Ma Zai has already regarded Kent goh performing arts endeavors as his life-long endeavor to aspire to. An actor cum director, Kent goh during this one year of their acquaintance, has imparted quite a bit of his acting knowledge and techniques to Ma Zai so as to ‘open’ him up.

Ma Zai and Kent goh shared a mutual affinity. Although they have not known each other for long, they have already become bosom friends. Ma Zai frankly acknowledges that he is very lucky to have met Kent goh, this teacher.

“Kent goh taught me the most important thing in acting is to understand the concept of “allocation”. When to reel in? When to let go? When to yield? When to let others make their moves; although clearly mine yet not permitted release ya! When is the right time to fight forcefully; don’t fight for scenes. Only upon grasping this can one be qualified to be the main lead.”

But then, other artistes may have their own points of view and ways of acting. During the process of communicating, aren’t you concern that you may be misunderstood ma? Kent goh felt that in a materialistic society, the majority of people are concerned only of their own good; people who are concerned about others are in the minority.

"The people who give opinions only wish to do the work better. I don’t see it as a wrong approach. Ma Zai and I discuss and analyze movies and series nonstop. So very enjoyable. It’s merely an exchange.”

A relation that transcends age as well as transcends status. Kent goh and Ma are the best example that true friendship can and does exist in the entertainment world.

Source: & takungpao
Translator: Tamaya @ AsianFanatics

Virgina Lok told dance king Michael Tse to do the Moonwalk!

virginia lok

The "Laughing Gor" Movie was filming the ending scene earlier. TVB Executive Virgina Lok came to visit the set. Towards Michael Tse telling Reporters that the movie might play in Beijing as well, Ms. Lok said: "We are currently just discussing it, our goal is that we hope to have the movie be able to play in Mainland, maybe after Michael saw the trailer, he was too excited!"

Also, Ms. Lok's outfit that day had the two letters "MJ" on it, when she was taking pictures with Michael, he jokingly said: "Ms. Lok is a fan of MJ, tell her to dance like MJ!" Ms. Look then immediately fought back: "You are the Dance King, do the Moonwalk!"

Fala Chen expressed that she gained a lot from Francis Ng and Anthony Wong. Asked if the two men used their "flowerly mouth" (flirt) on her? Fala said: "No. Francis always inspires me, gives me lots of advices. When I ask him for advice, he would answer me in a very serious tone, he's like a book. He didn't scold at me at all maybe because I'm very obedient!" Even when taking a bath Fala would reflect on her performance that day, but she smiled and said that her experience in the movie market is not enough.

Translated by: aZnangel @ AEU